Sunday, June 10, 2018

One person cat

I slept pretty well last night, but I'm developing a sore throat and itchy nose.  Great. . I haven't had a head cold in a year and a half and now this.  And I even ate a salad, every day, in the hospital, so I could stay healthy. 

But I didn't get enough sleep, and I was stressed, so that is apparently enough.  I have zinc lozenges, oregano oil, and vitamin C.  They should be enough to beat this back.  I am also eating right and getting plenty of sleep. 

Ron, in the meantime, is sleeping a lot and bonding with his cat.  He is wearing his underwear, curled up on his side in bed, with the cat spooning behind his knees.  It is very cute but he is in his underwear so no picture.  They look so sweet. 

She really loves her Daddy.  Baby Girl is a one cat person.  I mean a one person cat.   Her person is Ron.  She thinks I am OK and will even let me pet her tummy, but I doubt she would cry all over the house like she did when Ron was gone. 

My other two cats love us both equally, although I think Biscuit does favor me a little.  But that's just because I feed him. 

I've been thinking.  The first time Ron went to the hospital with blood clots, 15 years ago, he also had a cardiac tamponade.  The staff treated the tamponade as "the big deal" and the clots as a minor aside.  I even remember asking a cardiac doctor about the clots, would Ron need blood thinners or anything like that?  He smiled and said no, Ron would be fine. 

They did treat his clots with heparin - it was actually one clot, put in a clot filter, and sent him to rehab when his broken leg had healed enough for walking. 

So, no big deal.  I've spent basically the last 20 years of my life thinking it was a freak one-off because Ron had a broken leg and couldn't walk.  I sure didn't see it as a big, life-threatening deal. 

Until this hospitalization.  Literally 3 doctors freaked out in front of me, due to the blood clots.  That's not easily forgotten.  I'm not accustomed to seeing doctors freak out like that. 

Doc said no additional exercise so Ron staying in bed will be a good thing, I suppose.  I need to get him some water today, when he wakes up I need to give it to him.  He needs to stay hydrated.  I am sure he is taking his pills OK, they put the fear of God into him.  I need to feed him some red meat to build up his blood. 

I'm just happy I don't have to give him shots. 

1 comment:

Spankadoo said...

Thinking about you and wishing you both strength and wellness