Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Finish your liver!

I slept late this morning, about 8 am.  I took my shower and did my God Time. 

Doc had mentioned yesterday, it might be a good idea to apply coconut oil to Ron's legs.  So I did that.  He said it tickled but it didn't really bother the neuropathy.  I'd have given him a massage while at it but the other doc said NO massages. 

I remember all the foot rubs I used to give Ron after his accident.  He loved them (before the neuropathy).  I wish I had done more. 

And taken more hikes with him.  When we could. 

But you never get a memo - remember the commercial where the woman gets a postcard, next week at 2 PM Tuesday you will have a stroke?  It's like those time travel shows, where, trying to go back and prevent something, they actually cause it. 

Anyway, I got Ron ready.  We were going to Luby's.  They sell liver and onions and it is apparently pretty good. 

I wanted Ron to eat some liver and onions.  He does not like the way I prepare it, so someone else has to cook it. 

While getting him ready, I had the thought maybe I could get him to take my multivitamin with iron.  Taking it, I always score well on my blood tests, smack in the middle of normal.  And I lose a fair amount of blood every month. 

So I asked him and he said he would take it, if I gave it to him during a meal, and was responsible for administration.  He doesn't want to keep track of another pill, but he's willing to take it.  It seemed fair to me. 

It has 18 mg of Iron, so good stuff.  It also has other nutrients the body needs.  I don't have a lot but I can buy more soon. 

I am actually in the middle of a 2 week break from supplements. Once a year or so, I like to go off everything but my medication, for a couple of weeks, clear the system out, then start again.  I started that about a week ago. 

I got the tablet and put it in my pocket (shirt) and we left. 

We had a straight trip to the restaurant.  They were going to pick someone else up but they removed the trip for some reason. 

We got there and got in line.  It is a cafeteria style place, you go through a line and pick things off the steam table.  There was the liver and onions.  I got that for Ron.  They gave him a generous portion.  I got the chopped steak with bacon and cheese.  They didn't call it that but that's what it is. 

I got "the kale thing" and mac and cheese.  Ron got green beans and mashed potatoes with gravy.  We got bread, I got plain cornbread and picked out hot cornbread (with peppers) for Ron. 

We had to get help to be seated, I can only push the wheelchair, and Ron can't carry a tray.  He can barely carry a soda. 

They helped us and we sat down to our meal.  Like a good wife, I cut up his food first.  I also put the clothing protector on Ron. 

I find it ironic at times, Ron needs "more" than my Dad, who is nearly 20 years older.  You would think Dad would need the bib, but he doesn't.  But Ron sure does! 

Not complaining, just stating a fact. 

Ron started on his food while I cut up my food.  When I looked up, he had finished everything and was working on his sides.  We finished our food. 

I had room for dessert, and bought a giant red velvet cupcake.  It was messy eating, but good. 

Ron began moaning he had eaten too much.  I asked him why he didn't stop.  He said he had a voice in his head yelling at him to finish his liver. 

I could tell he didn't love it.  It was OK but not his favorite. 

I gave him the vitamin tablet and asked if he would take that every day, if it meant he didn't need to eat any more liver.  He happily agreed. 

We had a rough ride home, with Ron moaning the whole way.  He laid down, he seems to be better now. 

I took a nap for a couple of hours.  I woke up with a bad headache, forgot if I took my medication, had to wait an hour to see if I felt better, took it, got nauseous, laid down for a while again.  The headache is mostly gone now and I don't feel too energized, which is good. 

I want to go to bed in an hour or so.  I need to go to bed early tomorrow night so I can get up early on Friday for our delivery. 

Ron has been nagging me to take a day for myself, to avoid caregiver burnout.  He seems terrified of caregiver burnout, actually. 

If I ran off right now he would be [censored].  Well and truly.  Not that I plan to. 

I just don't know if I will lick this headache by tomorrow, or even want to go out in hot sun and feels like 100+ riding the bus.  It just doesn't really appeal. 

We'll see. 


Anonymous said...

Interesting how Ron doesn't yell at you when you go out to dinner with him now. Did you have a talk with him about what would happen if he did?

Heather Knits said...

I actually didn't. I think he realized he is "lucky" to have a loyal and dependable wife, who meant her vows. He knows not a lot of people would stick around for all his medical trials. He keeps apologizing for being so sick, says he didn't think he would get this bad.

Now, how long the good behavior lasts is anyone's guess [shrug].

Anonymous said...

Since he is a classic narcissist I doubt it is because of that. More than likely his fear of going into a nursing home is the reason he is trying (though not always succeeding) to control his behavior. He knows his health is getting worse and that his fate if he doesn't die first will be a nursing home. Eventually you just won't physically be able to drag him from the bath tub anymore. Not to mention cleaning his diapers, etc.