Friday, January 17, 2014

They could be out of lithium

Ron's pretty frustrated.  The party machine has started up somewhere in the subdivision. 

It's probably #19. 

Dear neighbors, some of us work on the weekends.  Some of us get up very early for work, on the weekends.  I know you must think everyone works a 9-5, M-F, but we don't.  We need our rest so we can go to work and pay our taxes. 

I end up thinking things like "Where are the guys who robbed my house?  They can't steal this car or the stereo in it?"  Bad Thoughts. 

God doesn't want me wishing ill on people, He wants me forgiving them and praying for them.  They're getting a lot of prayer, more than my human nature thinks they "deserve".  [sad grin] 

However, I've surrendered my life to God.  That means I surrender myself to things like this, and try to find a way to work it for good, even it's praying for all the latinos everywhere in the world and their stupid polka music. 

You may wonder what I'm talking about.  This. played at earsplitting volume, the bass line booming.  The same CD again and again.  All of my latino neighbors play the same CD at their parties.  It gets very, very, old. 

There's always something "wrong" in my life.  I don't mean that in a self pitying or a whiny way, but a factual statement.  Let's look at my life the last several years: bad mood control, up and down all over the place.  Delusions.  Then it was a series of physical problems (cutting of part of my finger tip, severe allergic reaction and massive hives for months).  Illness.  Injury.  Personally attacked a few times.  Ron's various health problems.  My favorite was him lying on the bed in the emergency room, after we've been there for 12 hours, suddenly remembering "Oh, yeah, I tried to move a vending machine.  Maybe that's the source of my agonizing back pain".  I was not happy. 

What else?  Ron drinking to blackouts every night.  Falling, verbal abuse, sleep deprivation.  Verbal abuse during the day, too. 

Hoarding next door - rat problems as a result.  Bubba bringing me live rats throught the cat door into my bedroom.  Problems with the other vendor.  He is easily "offended" and then wages war in return.  That can make things difficult, especially when we had him as a supplier for various items. 

Work problems, who can forget the look on Ron's face when he was told our vending location was up for demolition? 

[sigh] The point being, God has brought me through ALL of it. 

[blowing out air]  If God could bring me through the aftermath of the accident:
1.  Not allowed to make decisions about Ron (not legally married), and told Ron's family would be putting him in a nursing home (My response: "A bullet would be a lot kinder")
2.  Lost my job, because we're not legally married. 
3.  Not allowed any access to Ron's money (he had some cash on him at the time of the accident, which we later found was stolen). 
4.  Facing eviction because Ron's family refused to help. 
5.  Told I would "have to let them go" regarding my cats. 
6.  Told I would be unpaid slave caregiver for Ron AND his parents, for months (Ron put a stop to that when he was able to process it).   I believe it was their intent to burn me out and then place Ron in the nursing home.  Ron could not be "placed" if someone was willing to "take" him. 

It was my worst nightmare come to life - my own personal hell ON TOP OF Ron's horrific injuries, worrying about him, trying to aid in his recovery.  I had to put it all on God.  I would have had a breakdown.   I had to dump it all in His lap and say "You deal with it". 

God, in return, made it clear I had one job: Loving Ron, taking care of myself.  I did that.  Here we are today. 

[happy sigh]  Now it's quiet.  Ron called the police. 

So, the rest of my day.  We got up later (that was nice).  I had a nightmare about my stalker.  It was pretty vivid.  I got up and saw a car in my driveway.  I was pretty irked, which knocked me out of the nightmare.  I figured out the car was just doing a turn-around. 

I got my Bible and brought it to bed with me.  I do that sometimes.  I fell asleep pretty quick after that (I had Torbie cat too). 

I got up, did my shower and God Time.  The deodorant stone really works. 

We went to the warehouse - our driver was really late.  We got there so late Ron had to put our next ride on hold; but it worked out.  Then, off to work. 

We did all our worky work vending things.  I think my bill validator cleaners are working.  The snack 2 validator seems to be working better. 

I added the Hot Fries to the lineup and stocked the peanuts (a customer had left a note on my machine requesting more nuts).  Then off to our pickup. 

We came home, but left again for Walmart.  My pills were in.  They don't mess around with my medication - even the big bottles are always ready fast. 

I believe, based on the pharmacist's attitude when they ran out of lithium (!) a few years ago, that many psychiatric patients wait until they are out, and off their meds for a few days, before getting the refill.  That's dangerous. 

They could be out of lithium. 

Anyway, I got everything, checked it yup-yup-yup-all-there.  Paid up, left. 

I have had some ongoing underwear issues.  They keep falling down, and it's not because they're loose.  Then I have to get in my jeans, dig around, and pull them up.  Not something for the public, or, God forbid, work.  I've been looking for something better; haven't had much luck. 

I finally decided on 3 different types, nice colors.  Total cost about $30.  Plenty of garments to keep me covered and hopefully stay where they belong. 

I considered a cute scrub top covered in hearts, for about $14.  I decided against it, it's not something I'd wear everyday and then I could only wear it until Valentine's day. 

I figured, if I was going to spend $14 on tops, I should buy a package of black pocket-tshirts.  I did that.  It got my total up to a horrifying level at the checkout, but I will wear them. 

We had to wait a while on our ride (this is why I hate to ride later than, say 2 PM - the rides really go downhill), but he was a nice guy.  I got everything loaded and we had a straight trip home. 

I had to unload it all now (I don't want the drivers to help because their job is driving).  We'd gotten some soda so I got that and then brought everything up to the door. 

I got various items out of the packages and into the washer.  I'll do a couple of loads.  My goal is to get them dried tonight.  Some of them, at least. 

The rest can wait until tomorrow. 

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