Sunday, January 12, 2014

"Mommy's tired"

Yesterday, I did my God Time and took my medication.  The rest of it was eaten by a migraine, and it was such a pretty day too. 

I hate that, but then I remind myself when I get to heaven I'll have an eternity of lovely days. 

When I got up today, I took one look at myself and started to brush my hair.  As I raised my right arm, I started gagging. 

Ron ran in asking if I was OK.  I put my arm down and shooed him out.  I didn't want him getting a snort of that! 

I hadn't taken a shower yesterday because the hot water can bother my head.  I had forgotten to reapply my deodorant.  [whew!] 

Poor Torbie slept with me all night, too.  She's a good girl.  I'd wake up, give her a pet, adjust, and go back to sleep.  Even Baby Girl laid on the floor. 

I'll probably need to wash my blanket. 

I jumped in the shower and got clean.  I had to wash my hair 3 times to get it all clean.  That accomplished, I got the rest of me clean. 

I always feel a lot better after a shower, and I did.  I got the deodorant loaded and did my God Time. 

I recently bought one of those crystal deodorant stones, and it works great - applied every day!  I took my migraine prevention stuff (I just started it) along with my morning pills.  So far, so good. 

I'm just hugely tired.  I'm always exhausted after a migraine, and frankly, I'm pretty much always exhausted due to my medication. 

I'm glad I don't have kids.  I'd always be telling them "No, Mommy's tired." 

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