Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Not a bad day

I don't feel manic, but Ron's been making his "Yaka-yaka" motormouth noise at me, the last couple days.  I've been getting a lot done, too. 

Torbie got into my bed last night and slept with me for hours.  It was great.  I sure love my kitty girls. 

Today we got up, went to work (our ride was very late but we still had plenty of time), did all the end of the month stuff, plus stocking.  I even took out the rolling dumpster. 

After work, we came home.  I checked the mail (almost impossible when depressed) finding Raquel Welch's autobiography.  Ron's really enjoying it.  I never know what Ron's ordered until I open the mailbox. 

I made a batch of laundry soap, kind of made a mess mixing, but happily washing soda and borax are no more dangerous than the soap flakes.  Since I had the detergent powder on the tile floor, I decided to sweep the house (I don't think I ever sweep when I'm depressed).  I did laundry.  Cooked my dinner.  You get the idea. 

I've learned I like the "Kipper snacks" but not the "Fish Steaks" which have a very nasty backbone.  Kipper snacks are just slabs of meat.  I ate a can for lunch.  I'm posting again on my fitday so you can look (right hand sidebar). 

I lost another pound, too.  Ron was even appreciative of my hard work. 

Not a bad day. 

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