Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Bigger Fish

I know some of you are worried because I put personal information out on the web.  I am not worried about that. 

Why?  Because it is alarmingly easy to obtain all this information. 

One woman I know got a lot of personal data from an email.  She was able to find the person's home address, work, and phone number. 

One person I know had friended me on Facebook.  She put my whole name next to an internet moniker - "Houston Heather" and it was out on the web for almost a year before I found it by searching for myself.  I was horrified, but it had already been out there a year. 

If you search on "Houston Heather" you will quickly find Heather Boutte.  If you search on Heather Boutte in Houston - guess what, I'm the only one.  You can find my address pretty quickly anyway.  Why does it matter if I make it slightly easier, for a sponsor to ship Bibles to me? 

If you search Heather Boutte and my address you can find out all kinds of information on my home.  Huh.  I just found out it is valued at more than my mortgage, and it used to be a HUD house (not surprising, it is very modest). 

If I give out my address to random internet people who say they want to send me Bibles - some have, some haven't; if I gave it out to a lady on Craigslist who wants to buy my spinning stuff... why not just slap it out there on the blog? 

Dude, I hand out Bibles, in the ghetto.  I work in one of the worst zip codes in Houston; and wait outside on my rides in the middle of all that.  I used to live in the worst zip code in Houston for 3 years.  I used to live in a terrible neighborhood in California, complete with crack whore and dirty needles all around the bus stop, for 7 years. 

I've got bigger fish to fry. 

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