Friday, July 12, 2013


I put tons of craft stuff on Craigslist tonight. 

Now, normally that might be cause for alarm.  Heather is depressed.  She is selling her things.  Oh no! 

Nope, nothing like that.  I just realized I haven't used my spinning stuff in years, and I most likely will not, especially with an active kitten in my household. 

On a side note, I just spent a good 5 minutes playing "jump" - her favorite game.  I swing the teaser high in the air and she jumps, catches it, and chews on it for a few seconds.  Then we repeat.  I praise her every time she catches it.  She has also spent hours sleeping near my head lately.  I have some boxes stacked at my headboard. 

I decided, anyway, to sell or barter the stuff.  I would much rather get a used treadmill (I spent over $300 on this stuff) or some homemade soap, maybe a handmade wrap or something... something I will use and enjoy, than just have stuff piled up and accumulating. 

I had decided to do this before Ron got a hoarder book from the state library.  I am disorganized and messy, but I am not a hoarder.  He's starting to realize that. 

First, we went to the store, went to work.  We got it all done, the machines look good.  We came home.  I took my nap, my beloved "Varmit" (Baby Girl) sleeping near my head. 

I got up, categorized my stuff (took a while) and took some photos, then signed up for the website and listed it.  I told Ron when he woke up. 

At first, he wasn't very nice about it.  I told him "If you give me a hard time and deride me every time I work to eliminate clutter and make our home nicer, how often do you think I'll do it?"  I also think the Holy Spirit was working on him. 

No, I don't have a perfect house like your mother.  I am messy.  But rather than make unkind comments, support me. 

He apologized pretty quickly and I could tell he really did feel bad about it.  I think he feels frustrated, and I get that. 

So, he congratulated me (eventually) and told me he was interested in the sell or barter aspect.  If I sell it, I will spend half of it on Bibles, the rest on something for me.  Maybe a nice day out.  Maybe a foot massage. 

I am not interested in manicures or pedicures.  I have a very practical style type.  I can wear a t-shirt every day of the year.  But a foot massage might be a nice treat. 

We'll see. 

I also organized the front room and got that set up.  I moved all the craft stuff over by the front door so it's easy to move.  If and when I sell it, I don't want to be running around all over. 

Now, always hopeful, I need to figure out where I might put a new-to-us treadmill.  Ron could never use it (maybe at the VERY slowest setting), but it would be a good way for me to work out without getting attacked. 

It's interesting.  I have no qualms about going to do outreach in the ghetto.  I'm trying to figure out if God wants a Handout on Monday.  I never worry about our safety. 

However, running close to home - that's a concern. 



Anonymous said...

Tell Ron, that the grass is always greener on the other side. I'm a neat freak, an obsessive housekeepr and cleaner. Mynhusband used to brag to everybody what a gret housekeepr I was-this was the first couple of years that we were married. about the third year, he began to see the downside. He couldn't find his stuff because I would have arranged it all neatly and in order-but he already had a "system" of his own, messy as it appeared to my eyes, and when I organised it, he couldn't find anything. He no sooner takes off a shirt or a pair of pants than I have snatched them up to wsh them, even if he only wore the shirt for an hour or two (IMO, that's long enough to need to be washed). If he uses a glass to get a sip of water, I snatch it up and put it in the dishwasher.

He's afraid I'm going to set the house on fire one day due to my bad habit of snatching up his ash tray as soon as he puts just one cigarette out in it. As soon as we're out of bed, I make it, I mean IMMEDIATELY. I can't stand messy beds, they nake the whole room look messy.

His clothes-if they're not on his body, they go either in the closert or the dirty clothes hamper.

If he makes a sandwhich or toast, I'm waiting, sponge in hand, to wipe uo the counter.

I used to be proud of my housekeeping, but I've come to realise tht I'm overly anal, and not in a good way. I don't know how to be any other way, mess, untidinessm and disorganisation drive me wild-I can't think, I can't concentrate, knowing there's a mess in my peripheral vision or even in my mind, somewhere in the house.

Being like this makes it difficult to just "let things go" and just enjoy life, enjoy beignwith my brothers and sisters. (Because when any of my 9 siblings come to visit, I'm just as bad if not worse, though I try hard to hide it so they wonz't think I'm being like that because of them-none of them took after me for being anal about housework. Most of them are very clean and tidy, but not to the ridiculous point of their big sister. Maybe having kids straightened out their priorities, but I was always like this and they weren't. when we were kids, I, as the oldest girl-second oldest kid-would be the one who got in trouble if the house wasn't clean when my parents got home. So, since my younger sibling were more hindrance than help, I would pay each of them whatever I could afford to leave and goplay, while Ilocked the door behind them and cleaned the house myself. At least that way I knew it got clean!)

Melanie said...

Previous comment was me, "Melanie"-clicked too fast, sorry!

Melanie said...

Now that I think about it, maybe I got some of it from my mother. She used to come into our bedrooms about 3AM on school nights and dump all our dresser drawers upside down in the floor, and throw all our hang-up clothes in the closet on the floor. We couldn't go back to sleep until we'd neatly folded the clothes and put them away in the correct drawers, and hung the clothes back up in neatly and organised to type (winter, summer, dresses, short sleeves, long sleeves, etc, and no hangers crossed up). The two sisters with whom I shared the bedroom couldn't care less and would go back to sleep. I would stay up putting everything away, by the time I was finished, it was time to get ready for school. In spite of it, I was a straight A student. It must be the perfectionism in me. I've read that oldest children sometime are perfectionists. My older brother isn't, but he was raised quite differently from me-my mother was very protective of him (she felt that my stepfather picked on him. He told me years later, that he was never aware of it, and he's extremely easy-going, about everything, as sweet as he can be) He"s also quite oblivious to the subtle things, like people getting frustrated that he's oblivious to their need for privacy or "alone time", but I just put that down to his being a male, LOL. They all seem to be like that-you have to tell them in words of one syllable that you need some privacy, and I'm always afraid of hurting their feelings, but it in the end it never seems to do so.