Sunday, July 21, 2013

Bad Times

I don't talk much about my teen years; they were pretty awful. 

Sometimes something will take me by surprise and I'm triggered again.  Back in the bad place, in my head. 

It's a very dark and hopeless place; but I don't have to relive it or make you go through it to share.  I'm just back in a place with no hope, no justice, no joy.   Surrounded by darkness and evil. 

I "fall in" sometimes - not so much these days, as it has been over 20 years, but I still do on occasion.  I did today.   

The trick is climbing out again, and praying for those who did hurt me.  Hate gives the devil a foothold, and I don't want to be a hater. 

The last thing I would ever want, is to become what tortured me.  So I work very hard on that, too. 

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