Monday, July 15, 2013

I deserve a medal.

My next door neighbor, to the north of us, is a genuinely good guy.  He does have the odd, very loud, all night party.  His five kids make a lot of racket when I'd love a nap, but overall I would "keep" them, if it were up to me.  Importantly: they like the cats.  His wife told me Baby Girl was "cute" sitting on her car, when I yelled at the cat to get down. 

He is also a Christian.  I'm not sure for how long, but after my home was robbed in December he mentioned he was saved, to some guys from the church.  That's good to know.  I have been praying for him and his family (along with all the other neighbors) every day for years. 

I had to get up at 4 AM for work.  I take my shower, do my God time, get dressed, eat, and help Ron.  Not always in that order.  I look forward to the day when I can stop cleaning the diabetic ulcers on his legs.  I am very tired of that - it's been months. 

[sigh]  So, last night, I went to bed "late", about 9 PM.  As I lay in bed I could hear my neighbor talking quietly, with another man, on the back porch.  It sounded like some kind of counseling session.  I think "homeboy" had some serious issues. 

They were talking in Spanish, so I couldn't understand it, and frankly I'd prefer that.  I just found it a little tiresome, literally, because it kept me awake until... well, I looked at the clock and it was almost 10. 

I figured it couldn't go to late because my neighbor has a construction business, and gets up early.  Sure enough, he did.  He left for work before our ride arrived.  That poor man must be exhausted. 

I was, too, but I managed to haul myself out of bed, shower, and do my God time.  I had to drink 2 quarts of iced tea before I was alert enough to check Ron's blood sugar, but I got him settled. 

We went to work.  Now, as you can imagine, Ron has a lot of opinions today. 

He also has Frontal lobe damage (actually he had bruises "All over both hemispheres" according to one expert, he has scar tissue on his frontal lobes and left temporal lobe - I can actually see it on his MRI films).  What does that mean? 

Well, he's very impulsive, and says whatever he thinks.  He can't really think "I shouldn't present this controversial opinion to my black friend, here."  He just comes out with it in a rather "offensive" manner. 

Since I have been badly hurt by sweet-talking backstabbers, I prefer an honest insult, but I'm the exception.  Most people can only handle small doses of Ron in "soapbox" mode. 

I felt like I was following Ron around with a cork all day, and mentally stuffing it in his mouth.  I didn't want him to offend anyone or make things worse.  I can see both viewpoints, someone being followed, and someone being attacked, and how they reacted the way they did. 

God knows the guy who survived will be looking over his shoulder the rest of his life, worrying about his family.  That's an awful punishment. 

I finally got him home without anyone getting offended.  I deserve a medal for caregiver of the year. 

I took a short nap (needed it) surprisingly refreshed for a 30 minute nap.  We went to Walmart.  I got some charity items for my project, finishing it.  I just wish I had another box.  Hopefully I can get one tomorrow. 

On the way to Walmart, I saw one of those Catholic missionaries, the guys who raise money for overseas missions, with his bucket on the median.  A couple of the local homeless alcoholics were confronting him, one woman yelling in his face and shoving him.  Her two male friends stood nearby, ready to kick butt if needed.  It made me so appreciative of the care and protection I get on the Bible Handouts.  That could so easily be me, getting shoved and verbally abused by a filthy, scary, person, furious I was in "her" territory. 

The missionary was holding his own, though, very calm and steadfast. 

The charity thing took up most of my time, but I did get some ice cream, iced tea mix, and a lunch for Ron.  3 hours after eating the fried chicken meal plate, his sugar tested at 130. 

"You're diabetic when you eat like you used to."  I told him "But not when you eat like you are now."  He agreed. 

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Oh, and for that perticular thing especially-the thing which would make me retch my guts out, especially in the morning-you do indeed deserve a medal!