Sunday, March 10, 2013

Those people

I had planned to do a post about empathy, judging one's neighbor, and my general protectiveness of Ron.  Even God, really.  If I feel like someone's slighting Him I tend to react. 

Anyway, I think I'm being led to another post altogether.  It's working. 

What's working, Heather? 
The plan. 
What plan is that?
Class warfare. 
Why do you say that? 

Are you on Facebook?  Even Christians I respect are posting some pretty harsh comments about "people who take from the rest of us".   Let me do a cut and paste. 

From a discussion:
"They can get this if they are willing to move into a gov't subsidized housing complex. And be ready to put up with all the crime that is so rampant in these areas. Why are 'the Projects' so crime ridden? Aren't they supposed to be full of people just trying to get by but have atough time? And of course disregard all the new vehicles parked all over. I see this every day in south Dallas where I work"

"back before welfare existed, what are the statistics on starvation? you never hear about it because people had to work for what they had or go without... it is not the gov't job to GIVE you anything.... that is where we went wrong"

Even the kindliest comment I could find contained this:  "kids later in life and only what you can afford, etc"  So, you're going to tell people how many kids to have?  Sounds like Communist China.  Maybe you will forcibly abort if they have an "unauthorized", huh?   Oh, and by the way, OB's say it is better to have children when you are young.  Far better for baby and Mom, fewer health complications.  The rate of birth defects skyrockets with older mothers: at age 40 she has an 8% risk of having a child with a birth defect.  She also has a high risk of having a child with a chromosonal abnormality - which can translate to later disability, so frankly, I'd rather see a younger mother. 

Now, if I wade into the conversation about 'Those people taking from us with their wel-fare" (a couple years ago it was "Those illegals, etc."), and say "Not everyone getting benefits is a user" - then they might grudgingly admit: someone like Ron has a "right" but the rest of those losers, etc. 

I am entitled to a disability check, twice over.  Once for the FAS, once for the bipolar.  I haven't taken it because I'm not at risk without it.  Someone out there needs the money to put a roof over their head, and I want them to have it.  I am in housing, my bills are paid (barely), and I have food to eat.  I won't starve or sleep in the gutter - but some might.  So, let them have it. 

I had to apply for Medicaid to get my wisdom teeth out.  That was an interesting process.  They wanted to know all my assets (zero), bank accounts, jewelry, vehicles, etc.  They don't do this now?  The way people carry on, I wonder.  I do see a lot of very nice cars in the food stamps parking lot.  I also knew a drug dealer who didn't report his income, so his family could get food stamps. 

Anyway, I saw the social worker and she said "You're getting the Medicaid."  She looked at me and said "You qualify for food stamps, too". 

"I have enough to eat" I replied.  She was shocked. 

I walked out of there with the medicaid card only.  I used it to get the wisdom teeth out, a few bladder infections (one day I'll do a whole post devoted to them), and then gave it up when my job offered (lousy) insurance. 

Ron stopped taking his disability check when it looked like we would finally make enough to support ourselves.  He only took it again when it became apparent he had new, lifelong, disabilities that pretty much ruined his chances of ever working again. 

Someone might hire a blind man; but not a blind man in a wheelchair.  Well, maybe Goodwill, but what would they have him do? 

Anyway, that's all we get, one disability check (could get two).  We have some discounts and deferrals on the property tax.  He has paratransit services because he can't ride the bus alone; and I have a half-off bus pass.  I pay 60 cents a ride instead of $1.25.  That's actually the only thing I've ever taken for my disabilities. 

I feel fine about what we get.  We could have other programs, but don't, because God has provided in many ways. 

Oh, I checked the discussion.  They're raving about illegals now and saying some really cruel things.  Are the people in the discussion Christians?  I don't think so.  Let me check a comment - and view the profile and see if that person claims a faith.  Here we go NOT MY OPINION: "Sounds like all illegal scum talking."  - didn't mention faith in the profile.  

What am I trying to say?  Ron and I almost had a huge fight because I wasn't clear about my intent (more on that in another blog).  

Don't hate the recipient.  Hate the system.  Instead of throwing helpless people out into the street to starve.  And someone who is dependent on handouts is helpless.  

People kept raving about how "people on welfare" needed to "get an education".  

Here's a thought: what if they can't learn?  

Example: Ron likes to talk about how "Everything is made of atoms".  He kept sharing this with his drivers.  Most gave him blank looks, and one said "What?" - they didn't know the definition of atom.  I told Ron, privately, so as not to embarrass or offend.  Ron didn't believe me.  Said I was "racist".  

I told him, OK, don't believe me, but try to rephrase so they can understand.  They feel stupid when you "talk like that" because it exposes their ignorance.  

Ron didn't do it for a while, but then he started saying, "Just like water, ice, and steam are all made of the same thing..." "The three states of matter, you know..." etc.  

They still didn't get it.  One driver got very upset and said there were not 3 states of matter.  Ron asked her how many existed.  She said she didn't know.  He tried to explain, ice-water-steam and she got upset again.  She got so flustered I told Ron to stop, fearing she'd get in an accident. 

Some people are that ignorant.  There are a few odd individuals who are working a driving job while attending school, or a job in their chosen field didn't work out, but a lot of them are very ignorant of anything but driving.  

They have a skill I do not.  I commend them for that.  I usually feel very safe riding around on paratransit.   That's a tremendous accomplishment in Houston - "I got to work alive". 

I saw a lot of lovely people working as CNA'S.  Most of them were not well educated but they had heart and a good work ethic.  Are they making much?  I don't think so. 

My point: many people on welfare are very ignorant.  If you want to "fix" things (not that I think it is possible) you would have to revamp the system, getting "ahold" of the children at a very young age and putting them into intensive learning programs.  Help them learn while they're still asking questions, and "bugging" all the adults.  If you want to educate, you don't take an ignorant adult, throw them at a school, and "fix the problem".  You will have to start a systemic educational program from a very young age. 

If you throw an ignorant adult at a school program, you will have to do years of remedial instruction and diagnose all learning disabilities.  It might just be cheaper to keep them on Food Stamps.  Forced labor?  Very common in communist countries and not something I think we should consider in America. 

So, does it dawn on anyone, they might want you hating your lower-income, different race neighbor?  Because if the two of you teamed up you might actually vote some changes into Washington?  No, they never consider it. 

Which is why I think the class warfare plan is genius, if you want to divide and destroy America. 


Anonymous said...

I would rather have people become parents who are responsible, loving and caring. Regardless of age. Sure there is a chance that you will have a baby born with a birth defect the older you are but there is still that chance when you are younger too. It may be a smaller risk but life is a risk. Truth is you never know until you are pregnant (and sometimes not until you give birth) if your child would be normal or not.

Many young parents are still too selfish and irresponsible to have children. They are still mentally children themselves. Especially in this society where parents treat there twenty somethings as adolescents and don't let them grow up.

On the subject of ignorance. In my opinion with the access to information we have today through the internet and technology there is no excuse for it other than sheer laziness and unwillingness to learn.

You do not have to go to college to learn anything. Knowledge online is free and if anything sometimes there is just too much information available at times.

Most people once they finish high school do not learn anything new. They just shut down and focus on the pleasures in life. Sex, food, drugs, relationships, money or just doing absolutely nothing.

This is a failing of our school system to make all those years of schooling so boring and regimented that people when they are not forced to go anymore stop learning and gaining knowledge.

Yes there are many hateful and bitter people in the world but you must realize that these people are watching the news 24/7 which programs them to feel this way.

People who are uninsured are bad..just draining and taking from others. The media tells us that all the time and so does the government.

What they don't mention is that government intervention and insurance is what caused medical bills to sky rocket.

Did you know the uninsured are billed 5 - 6 times more for the same procedure as an insured person. How is this fair?

There is just so much corruption and greed in our society and as throughout history there will be some who take advantage of the system and abuse it and others who truly need the help as a stepping stone. Get the help they need and move on.

The only way to change the system is to change human nature and well you know for most that is just not going to happen.

Heather Knits said...

Well, I think some people don't have the mental hardware. That sounds awful, but there it is. Some people are better learners than others.

On childbearing, my birth mother gave birth to my brother when she was 13. He turned out fine and she had LOADS of issues. My sister was born a year later and is also doing well. I think anyone would agree a 13 year old mother is not going to be a good parent, but they managed OK.

Do I think teens should have kids? Absolutely not.

Do I think older parents shouldn't have kids? No, but I think they need to be aware they might have some problems and prepare for that. For instance, if I got pregnant, taking lithium, there is a chance my child could have a heart abnormality. There is also a pretty high risk of Bubble Boy Syndrome, which is why I'm not breeding (grin). If Ron fathered a child (he's fixed) the child has a high risk of being born with congenital glaucoma, like he has.

I agree government healthcare will be very bad. I know many people who have literally run up millions in medical bills so I think we'll see a lot of death panels and denial of care, quickly.

You are absolutely right - we can't change human nature.