Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The guy in the morning

I like to review in my head before I start typing; and I quickly concluded "A pretty rough 24 hours". 

We had a "soda emergency" yesterday - a machine, used by management, was almost out of 4 flavors.  We discovered this too late to fix. 

So, we planned to work today.  I don't mind going in if there's work.  I just hate sitting around with nothing to do. 

So, we came home yesterday.  As usual, I was pretty tired.  I had also taken a phenergan due to almost vomiting in the shower.   Migraine (also a side effect of my medication).

In fact, it came back later and I had to take more medication.  (Excedrin generic)

Then, the upset.  Digestive upset.  Very uncomfortable, bloated, and many trips to the bathroom.  I think it might have been a bad hot dog on Sunday.  Since I didn't vomit (praise Him!) it was probably Clostridium perfringens  - it was a bad night. 

I had been drinking a lot of fluids to stay hydrated, including two bottles of sugarfree electrolyte stuff (I really have to watch that as the lithium depletes me of salt - if I don't get enough salt I will die).  So, I was hydrated at least.  I continued that and went to bed. 

Bubba cat slept with me (the black one).  He woke me up a few times for petting.  I'll let him to it, but no one else.  He rubs against my hand, purring, until I wake up.  Then he wants petting for a while, I stop and go back to sleep.  A couple hours later, purring - nudging the hand. 

I love it.  If getting the attention and the "cuddles" of the cat sleeping right next to my head mean I wake up a few times - I'm OK with that. 

Ron had fallen asleep early so I was unclear on the pickup time (I had turned off the computer without checking on our times).  I set my alarm for 5, and that was about right. 

I seem to wake up at 5 almost every day of the week.  I like to get things done before work, not after.  I have more energy and better focus. 

I had horrible nightmares, in which an apocalyptic disaster had occured and we had no water.  I was dying of dehydration - until I woke up and turned the shoe leather in my mouth back into a tongue.  Ugh.  I get SO DRY at night.  I wake up constantly to drink, at least a quart, and still wake up dying of thirst (side effects of my medication). 

Then I got up, with the alarm.  Ron was awake so I talked to him for a while.  Morning Ron is great, very empathetic, sensitive, understanding.  I love talking to him. 

I skipped my God Time but figured I could make it up later, and it was important to build bonds with my husband.  I had a headache, but not as bad as Monday.  I took some Excedrin, a quick shower, and went to work. 

We took care of the emergency and I realized we are almost out of honey buns.  See, the store has 2 types of honeybuns.  One costs x cents per unit.  It is 3 ounces.  The other honeybun costs x+5 cents, and is twice as large.  They both have a very good food cost. 

So, Ron and I buy, and sell, the larger one.  The other vendor sells the smaller bun for the same price as mone.  They a hard time selling them.  I saw her giving away expired products the other day. 

MY honeybuns sell in a week.  In fact, last time I doubled my order and we're still almost out.  The customers LOVE these honeybuns. 

Like I tell Ron "They want to feel like they're ripping us off."  Good.  Let them.  Everyone's happy. 

It is more important, in my estimation, to sell more units at a slightly lower cost, than to sell less units at a higher cost, with waste.  Take Walmart: they buy low, sell low, and people keep coming in. 

Unfortunately, a lot of people in the vending business want to buy their product as cheaply as possible and sell it for the highest possible food cost.  That's fine if you're the only game in town, but just at work, within 1 mile, we have 2 gas stations and a donut shop.  If they don't like my values and merchandise, they'll go somewhere else. 

As you can see, I feel really strongly about this.  Ron's just happy the honey buns have a good food cost and a high turnover. 

I really enjoy our business.  I don't always like the hours or the demands of the job, but I like it. 

So, we worked.  We came home.  I took a nap (kind of a common theme here).   I woke up right when Ron started drinking (he has a policy of only drinking after 12, and today waited until 4). 

Afternoon Ron is not as fun as morning Ron.  He wasn't ugly but he was more irritable, impatient, etc.  I had to remind myself that isn't my husband. 

My husband is the guy in the morning. 

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