Monday, March 25, 2013

The next mania

"I almost hate a mania" I told Ron "I have energy, but not much, and I have to figure out how to spend it." 

That, my friend, is probably the biggest mania problem I face these days.  I don't get paranoid.  I stick to my budget.  I talk, and write, too much, but that's not always a bad thing. 

Today, I did my hair.  I spent my time and energy doing a henna treatment, which I like.  I'm glad I did it, something just for me. 

Tomorrow, I will have a partial Day Out.  I'll have a lot of fun, too. 

At some point, I'll work on housework, catching up, always catching up (I do housework every day, but sometimes need more).  I'll mow the backyard. 

And, eventually, the depression will hit again and I'll be back to figuring out how to use my next mania. 

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