Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Talk!

Today was a little awkward for me. 

First, to back up.  When my friend found the post about Ron drunk and verbally abusive, on the blog, he told our pastor before coming to talk to us.  So, the pastor knows all our dirty laundry (what I put on the blog at least!). 

So, today, over a month later Pastor is preaching on Romans 2.   He quoted Luke 6:45, out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks... or writes, and sometimes it can be very ugly.  I sat, frozen, in my seat, my eyes stuck to my Bible. 

Hm.  That's a good point to remember.  I also think John 8:32 applies - the truth will set me free.  I don't think God wants me battling my demons and struggling without any human support.  I don't see Him that way. 

Does that mean I can/will watch my tone?   Yes, absolutely.  I don't need to share every humiliating detail; just share that Ron had a "hard time last night" or whatever. 

I'm glad I do try to live a moral life, free from overt sin.  I would hate to have Pastor give me "the talk"! 


Anonymous said...

Why doesn't the pastor give ron the talk? Seriously why is it that you are a bad person for telling the truth and ron is just ron?

Your friend if you want to call them that is more upset about your airing your dirty laundry so to speak online yet not concerned about the way ron is acting.

It is true people hate the truth. Ron wears one face for some to see and his true face for heather to see and to know. If he acted that way in church or toward others guarantee that he would be friendless.

Heather Knits said...

OH, this was during the sermon. He was mentioning people who cheat in college, etc...drinking came up for a while, actually. I wasn't sure if Ron felt convicted or not. That's really between him and God.

I venture to say, after reading that blog entry, the church has a better idea of Ron than most.

Not that he is evil; he is deeply troubled. He is basically two men, the kind man petting and treating the cats right now, and the belligerent and bitter man screaming at me when he's having a blackout. Happily I *have* been seeing less of the latter.

Our friend was very upset about Ron's behavior; and how it affected me. He was convinced it was playing a major role in my depression(s). He used the word "sinning" as regards Ron (and my "exposing" him). He was VERY uncomfortable doing so, I could tell. He couldn't wait to get out of there.

However, no one can make Ron change, but Ron. He has made a lot of comments lately (and I'm not betraying him by sharing this) "If I ever get to the point where... (as regards the drinking), I'm going to stop". This is in the context of a happy, normal, day, not justifying or excusing bad behavior. Sober. He doesn't want to be enslaved to anything, even alcohol. When he realizes that is/has happened he will exterminate the drinking.

I am certain of that. Ron is no one's slave.