Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A food blog

I had a nice baseline mood for about a week.  Today I realized I am getting a little manic. 

Ironic to type this: it was rather depressing.  I would love to have a good level mood all the time.  Instead, I'm strapped into this roller coaster. 

However, God has a purpose.  I just need to focus on serving Him. 

I saw a seedrack today and that reminded me of past manias, where I would buy dozens of packets of seeds.  Most would languish, never planted, because the depression would strike. 

I have a single collard plant out back, nice and green.  I haven't really gotten out to the garden in a while. 

Last year I was so wrapped up in home repairs and getting my lithium level right.  Now it's right, and I'm always tired! 

But I'm figuring out work arounds for my daily living.  For instance, I'm drinking a shake.  It's very good.  I use 2 cups of whole milk and a scoop of whey protein, plus some ice.  It's good, it's easy, it's healthy. 

When I was at the mall on Monday, I noticed a few "meal replacement" type shakes at the two health food stores.  One of them had creamer as the third ingredient, and it cost $20 a pound  That's just stupid.  I would never waste my money on that. 

I figure I can make my own, add a little fruit if desired, and take a vitamin and be done with it.  Walmart has a good whey protein "Body Fortress".  It mixes well, especially in the blender.  It tastes good, low carb.  I drank some when I was sick, just to get some protein on board, but I have to be careful about that. 

I got sick a lot, as a child. Mainly respiratory infections, and stomach issues.  I'm sick, here comes the chicken soup.  Every time.  Chicken soup.  Guess what?  I hate chicken soup. 

I also used to make gallons of chicken soup when we had the deli - from scratch.  I'd stand for hours over that giant stockpot, stirring and fine tuning.  I have never eaten chicken soup since! 

I do make Ron chicken and sausage gumbo, but I never eat it. 

And mint - I used to love mint tea.  But, I drank it when I was sick, or had a migraine.  Then I stopped.  But I'd use mint mouthwash everytime I vomited - so I associate mint with ghastly illlness.  Diet lemon-lime soda, and diet gingerale, also ended up on the no list because I'd always consume them when sick. 

I try to be careful what I consume when I'm sick, now. 

About the only standbys are grilled cheese (I'm up for that pretty much anytime, especially if you use a lot of butter), and macaroni and cheese.   I love both and will eat them pretty much anywhere, anytime.  Cornbread.  Oh, I love cornbread.  Pizza.  If I don't want pizza I am really sick. 

Does that happen to you?  Does your appetite up and die whenever you get really sick?  I can always tell I'm getting better when I get my appetite back. 

I have noticed that the Wellbutrin affects my appetite mechanism.  In some way, it turns down the volume on the "hungry".  That's great if I'm smart enough to eat small snacks on a regular basis, not so good if I forget to eat! 

It's also interesting figuring out the meals I can eat with the lithium.  Today, cottage cheese, a glass of milk, a molasses cookie.  Worked.  Just cottage cheese works with a beef stick.  It's been interesting playing with that. 

Ron's been good about supporting me.  I told him "No Chinese food" for the forseeable future, and he was fine with that.  I also told him I'd be happy to eat my own meal if he wanted some takeout for himself.  He does not eat vegetables. 

Mark, Ron's not looking good?  Ron never eats a vegetable.  No veggie juice, even, even though he knows it is in the fridge.  I don't think he takes his vitamins, either.  It can be hard to love him at times. 

The only time he gets a vegetable is if a restaurant has snuck it into his entree somehow - like Chinese food.  Or the tomato sauce on pizza (which I really can do in moderation). 

I saw some pasta at Walmart recently, it has vegetables in it, but looks normal.  That's the kind of thing I'd have to use on him. 

Overall I am happy with my new eating plan.  Down 9 pounds in a week, not bad for a lady in her late 30's.  I can eat things I want, in moderation. 

I don't have to buy any special food - I spent a fortune on processed, low-carb foods back in the day.  I don't have to do a lot of cooking, other than my usual "Found some ground beef at sell by date" cooking.  Ha.  Most of the meat I consume at home is that very ground beef, or the precooked sausage patties from Walmart. 

I should probably start canning some foods to work with my eating plan.  If my freezer went out I'd be in trouble. 

1 comment:

Mark Charles said...

I cook bake and eat like crazy when I am " up"
But I also garden walk my dog and move my ass.
When I plummet, I could live on saltines. My body and mind ace so badly I can barely move. But I do
Like you I live my life and work a job that suits my crazy.
Could you get a strawberry smoothie into that man the toss in a handful of spinach? I get my guy to eat veggies that way, I started with one leaf of spinach!
Heather people all over look bad, we are a sedentary country hooked on wifi and fast food.
You are a good soul.