Saturday, January 29, 2011

Little brown grub

This time, the depression seems to be running more to the fatigue/nausea department.  I still enjoy doing things, I just don't have much energy. 

Case in point, today.  Got up, went to Walmart.  Got some garden stuff: onion transplants and a nice "Patio" tomato.  I got some potting soil; because we can still get frosts for a few more weeks.  I can just bring the tomato indoors.  I have grown dozens of tomatoes in pots; it's easy if mulched and watered daily. 

While everyone else is eating wooden tasting supermarket "shippers", I'll be snacking on lovely homegrown organic tomatoes. 

I'd grow them even if they didn't fruit; I love the way they look and smell.  I found some seeds I've been wanting for a great price; I got a little soda and we left. 

Came home, and I went out in the garden.  By the time I finished I was filthy.  I always think I can stay clean; never do.  I'm like a grub.  A little brown grub, digging in the dirt. 

I planted most of the onion transplants.  I had envisioned a nice row of onions marching down the front of bed 3.  I did it.  It gave me a good opportunity to check out the other plants.  They look good, most of them.  A few rather tired pansies. 

I potted up the tomato.  Boy, a tomato in a 15 inch square pot, freshly watered, is a heavy sucker.  I inserted a tomato cage for support.  It is a "deterninate" tomato; so it ought to stay at a reasonable size. 

In Houston, tomatoes can get up to 8 feet in the right conditions.  So, one tomato done, without taking up garden bed.  I like to give the tomatoes about 3 square feet or so.  While planting the onions, I was overwhelmed with fatigue.  I HAD to lay down; and did. 

Ron had made a trip to Starbucks.  We went, and came home.  I was so tired I laid down again, and slept for hours.  I guess this depression is more of the fatigue and nausea variety; as opposed to my general hopeless/loss of interest.  Either way, it sucks.  I know it could be far, far, worse.  I could still be in bed, with nothing in the garden, wanting to die right now.  Thank you for my pills, Lord! 

So, I got up.  Trying to figure out dinner.  Tomorrow we go to work (we like to check on them when it rains), and then Monday morning, we get up at 2 AM again.  I may not post much tomorrow as a result. 

Off to watch the end of my scary movie. 


Anonymous said...

Heather, I have to tell you something. I've always followed your blog with interest, and am a facebook friend too.
As you may know, I used to be Wiccan. This past week, through prayer and revelation, I've decided to go back to my faith, the Catholic Church. I've seen Wicca for what it is.
I credit also your prayers! Thank you so much for praying for me. Please continue to do so for I always need them.
Yours in Christ,
and thank you for never giving up on people like me..PRAYER DOES WORK! Please continue your evangelization!

Heather Knits said...

I'll do it Jillian!

I take my God Time VERY seriously. Thank you for letting me know; it's easy to get discouraged sometimes.

One of my favorite Bible passages: 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. :) I want people to know what I do: no matter what happens, I'm never alone, and when I cry, God cries with me.