Saturday, January 8, 2011

Busy and Occupied

I slept in pretty late, woke up around 9 AM.  I felt fine, no wierdness or headache from the Zyrtec. 

I skipped my God Time (warts and all, that's me) and decided to do some work in the garden. 

Sometimes I wonder just how much detail.  Do I tell you every single thing? 

Anyway, I got on the computer, and played with that for a while.  I had a nice Facebook chat with my brother.  He's a good guy.  Some family members have more issues with him, but I really only "met" him once when I was 17, when he accidentally shot himself back in 2007, and then about a year ago when he found me on Facebook.  We chat now and then; we're comfy. 

I bought a bad thing, with sugar (but no wheat).  I ate the last of the Bad Thing and decided to head out.  Severe weather incoming, supposed to be late today and tonight (instead, tomorrow). 

It was a nice day, sunny and upper 60's.  I did some cleaning up, took the brush off the top of my compost pile and turned it, shoveled out a lot of compost and put it in the garden beds, put quite a bit more in my plastic storage box (the things are pretty resistant to sunlight), and did some planting. 

By now, it was about 1 PM.  Ron had been comatose all morning.  I heard his alarm go off for him to take his medication, he took it and went back to sleep. 

While I was sleeping in, I bitterly thought I was wasting "sober time", had he been awake.  Not going the bitter, hating, Heather route.  Nope. 

Ron complains about the leaves in the backyard.  We have a privacy fence in the back.  The front yard is pretty small, not even a thousand square feet.  Maybe 600-800?  It had a lot of leaves, too. 

I got the battery operated electric lawnmower and put the battery and leaf bag.  I mowed the front, spreading the chopped leaves all over the front garden bed (about 25 square feet, currently sporting some freesia and paperwhite).  I mowed the sideyard without the bag and raked the shredded leaves under the red-tips.  I might plant some kind of groundcover under the red-tips, the soil looks nice. 

Of course the stupid dog next door went berserk, yelping in a high-pitched bark.  She was trying to get out and attack the lawnmower (again).  Remember the last time?  She tried to stick her head under the lawnmower, WHILE IT WAS RUNNING.  Had I "let" her, she probably would have died.  I ended up having to beat her off with a stick. 

This time, she just yelped and yipped and tried to break down the fence.  UGH.  She woke up Ron.  He didn't check his watch properly, and thought it was 9AM.  By now, it was 2:30.  Familiarity bred contempt and she eventually gave up.  I will be SO GLAD when these people get evicted. 

I saw Ron was awake when I got another cold drink.  I finished mowing, and spread the bagged leaves all over the garden beds, with the remainder going into the compost pile.  Probably half a cubic yard or so.  It had a little bit of green stuff in with the leaves, so it should break down quickly. 

I'm debating the purchase of some cow manure, to really get things moving.  One problem I encounter with the compost piles, invading tree roots.  The trees, bushes, and God-only-knows love to invade the compost.  It's so rich, and tasty.  Whenever I harvest compost, I end up pulling out a lot of very wierd looking roots.  Greedy little pigs. 

Everything looked great.  I need a hatchet to get rid of some invading trees.  They just pop up and I have to keep cutting them down.  My yard would be quite the woodland if I let it! 

I went inside, talked to Ron for a while.  Sadly, he figured out it was "after 12" and began drinking, then kept bragging to me how well he can hold his liquor. 

I don't think I was very delicate as I essentially told Ron "Take your drunk and obnoxious self into your room and shut the door".  I wasn't that obvious, but like a small child, he keeps wanting to "contribute" to the conversation if I'm on the phone when he's drunk.  He says the same thing over and over and demands I tell them, over and over.  Then he wants to say things that aren't appropriate, in a loud enough voice that he's heard. 

AGH.  So, I basically told him, "I will call Mom and Dad after you go in your room and shut the door, because we find it distracting and awkward if you are talking in the background."  He can be very demanding of my attention when he's drinking. 

However, he got a new talking book today, a digital to boot, and his favorite author.  I'm sure that will keep him busy and occupied for a while. 

I know I stayed busy and occupied today.  I didn't do much of the stuff I "should" do, but I had fun, and that's important too. 

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