Sunday, January 23, 2011

Depression again

Yesterday at work I was listening to my new music.  I got Lacrae's new album, "Rehab". 

Uh.  Yeah.  It definitely had a rehab theme.  I found myself getting a little discouraged as I worked with Ron. 

See, that depression; it sneaks in and bites me.  The music was great; but the depression turned it into a dreadful reminder of Ron's problem.  GLACK. 

Then I got all goofy from a tylenol/lithium interaction and had to go to bed early. 

Today didn't get off to a very good start.  I slept in with Cuddle Cat.  He has such silky fur, it's addictive.  I love petting him while I'm lying in bed. 

I got up, did my God Time, and got dressed.  We went to Starbucks.  I felt pretty enervated from the depression.  Like a couple of vampires had a go at me. 

We came home and I took a nap.  Then I got smart.  I knew I needed to do some things I enjoyed.  I'd gotten some coffee grounds from Starbucks.  I scattered them in the garden.  I had a good time  and even made a garden video. 

Then I had a great workout; exercise bike, powerlifting, and a short run.  Good workout!   I ought to sleep nicely tonight. 

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