Monday, January 17, 2011

The crimes I allow

Oh, Monday. 

Ron decided to call an old friend in California.  At 11 PM.  When I had my alarm set to go off at 3:30 the next morning.  He was very loud and woke me up.  I wasn't happy. 

I was pretty tired, which is frustrating when I had to file sales tax and fix FOUR naughty vending machine errors.  Plus get the deliveries, etc. 

The fun part was having to get some bottled water Ron ordered, out of the harrasser's stockroom, while he was in it!  UGH. 

Happily, it appears sales are up.  So, we came home.  Bad Squirrel knocked my birdfeeder sideways, twice.  I fixed it both times.  I saw some cardinals, and Bubba got so excited by the bluejays he woke me up from my nap. 

Mew.  Mew.  They were RIGHT OUTSIDE THE DOOR!  I'm happy to see he's energetic, he has a case of kitty sniffles.  Mainly some sneezing. 

I was not feeling very loving, or even like a very good employee, but I asked God for help.  He did a good job. 

Uh... then we went to Burger King.  Got some burgers, came home.  Poor old Dum-dum next door was making horrible wailing/groaning noises everytime I went outside.  She looks awfully thin, so I threw her the hamburger buns.  Yum, yum.  They will have to answer to God for starving the dog, but I believe the crimes I allow are as bad as the crimes I commit.  If I have a fistful of discarded double cheeseburger buns I'm going to toss anyway, I might as well toss them over the fence. 

She was making the noises before I even got the burgers.  I'm glad I did it, even though it's bark, bark, bark right now. 

Ron had planned to go to the liquor store with Chuck, but recruited Chuck to help me get some soil amendments.  I thought it was very funny when Chuck told Ron "I'm getting an SUV soon.  She knows she can't get the cow manure when that happens, right?"  [snort] 

The garden center has the guy with the truck; I'm not worried.  I work well within my limits. 

Ron was bragging to one of our drivers today about his trip to the liquor store, and how much booze he got.  I asked him how long he thought it would last, he said two weeks.  YIKE.  The driver almost went off the road. 

I got the info on an Al-anon meeting tomorrow.  I intend to go.  It will be a little tricky doing the errand with Chuck, coming home, shower (I have to shower after wrangling bags of cow poop), and then Day Out - with "Meeting" in the middle of it.  Hm. 

I am trying not to have any expectations.  Everyone in my life is insisting I go, and my Dad seldom offers advice. 

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