Monday, March 31, 2008

Today I did something smart

I've lost a total of 19 pounds in just under 5 weeks. I'm very happy with my weight loss, size loss, and flab loss.

Last night we did some BBQ and it was good! I had "just meat", and made Ron a cheddar burger. He adored it, his only request being the addition of some BBQ sauce. I can't find no-sugar added BBQ sauce anywhere so I will buy the "bad" stuff. I just won't touch it or put it on my food. Easy. It's been very easy to stick to my plan on my medication, even though the pills mess up my stomach occasionaly.

Anyway, Wednesday we are going up to Brenham. The Blue Bell Ice Cream Factory offers tours. They have samples and a cafe or something. Everyone will be indulging, except Heather.

So what do I eat? I love frozen treats, but I want to keep up the weight loss. Dairy gives me migraines. I need some kind of sorbet, a no-sugar added sorbet.

Guess what I found at Randalls today? 1 pint containers of no sugar added sorbet. I got 2 of the raspberry flavor. I can pack one in a little ice chest and tote it along with me. In the likely event they don't have anything I can eat, I'll take out my sorbet and eat it. Tasty. I tried it, it's good and only 5 grams net carbs. I can live with that.

Off I go to pick up and check on the plant babies.

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