Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I bought some purple petunias today at Walmart. I'm not glad I lost my antipsychotic, but I was glad I went in today. I got some good driver candy, once I got over the fact that Walmart was out of the big bags of the little plain Hershey bars! Those are the FIRST thing that the drivers go for when I give them their candy! I got an extra bag of the Farley chocolate mix, 2 of those ought to substitute for the Hershey bar.

I also got a big bag of individually wrapped Lifesavers. Those used to be a big hit when I worked in an office. I'd keep them in a bowl on my desk; people loved them. So, that's a good thing. More of the snickers, milky ways and such too. I had them all down on my list.

Boy, the cashiers love the candy. I'm so glad I started giving it to them too. I may have 2 transactions, other than that I'm pretty easygoing (if they don't mind my chatter). I like to think I'm making everyone's day better.

They even had my meat on sale, the frozen hamburger patties. Those are so easy and delicious. By this time, I was getting a little hungry so I bought 2 sausage on a sticks. One for me, one for Ron. He sure loved his. I didn't think I could eat the whole thing, but pretty soon I had.

After we got home I got a mild headache and decided to take a nap. I felt kind of run-down. But hey, I've lost 7 pounds so far. I'd bought a monster bunch of turnip greens. I have 2 seedlings I'm going to be planting out. I wanted to make sure I like them before I started more. They're good, but not oh-I-must-start-more delicious. They taste like a cooked green.

I was able to take a good nap today. I noticed yesterday that we've a knothole in the fence we share with "Barky". I realized he was getting wild over things he saw in OUR yard. Ron was about to throw out a nice-sized piece of plywood so I used it to cover the knothole. The dog's been a lot quieter since.

We're going to have some miserable weather for the next couple nights, so I'm not planting my petunias just yet (or the marigolds or the chives). I'll keep them in their pots and bring them in nights, then put them out during the day. According to, it should be much more favorable weather next week.

I'll be glad when I get over this run-down feeling (low-carbers call it "Induction Flu"). Tomorrow should be fun, we're going to a good BBQ place. They have good chef's salads with lots of meat. Yum. Then I'm going to the "Nice" grocery store to maybe get some more veggies and organic salad dressing.

Off I go to water my carrots.

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