Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Metrolift said no to me

Today was an odd one. I had trouble sleeping last night, and woke up manic. I didn't want to pick fights, spend money, or anything but God, I wanted to talk! Poor Ron. Poor Metrolift driver.

Speaking of, Metrolift denied my application. I'll just keep riding with Ron then.

Anyway, we got to work, filled them up. I wanted to make sure that we had plenty of good food if the threatened severe weather arrived. No one wants to go out in the rain, they'd rather hit the vending machines instead.

It was windy and overcast but no severe weather yet. I'm still up a couple of pounds, but I figure when my cycle starts that'll all balance out.

I had an odd experience yesterday. Ron and I caught our ride. The driver mentioned I looked better, what was I doing? I have lost most of the "jowly" and the double chin, which makes me happy. I don't care so much about my butt as long as my face looks good. After all, people look at my face. I want them looking at a healthy face. I never wear makeup and I'm not vain. Really, it just makes me happy to know that I look healthier.

So, I told her I'd lost weight, how much, and how. The client in the front seat got very upset. We'll call him Frank. Frank started raving about how I was going to kill myself eating that way and that we needed carbohydrates. I did shut him up when I asked him why my cholesterol dropped 100 points on Atkins. He loves eating a certain breakfast, he confided. It has pancackes, eggs, toast, and hash browns. Only a few dollars!

We've ridden with him before, so I asked him a question: "What is a diabetic on his way to dialysis doing telling me to eat pancakes and toast?" "I just adjust my insulin" he replied sullenly, and continued to tell the driver that eating a high-carb, low-fat diet was the only way to safely lose weight. In addition to being in kidney failure, and 100+ pounds overweight, this guy also has badly ulcerated feet. He can hardly walk anymore.

After he got out, I simply reminded the driver to "Take advice on what to eat from someone who's healthy, not someone with one foot in the grave." She nodded.

Today was another odd experience. On the way home, I gave the driver his candy. We picked up another client at a very expensive apartment complex. As soon as she saw the candy bag, she picked it up.
"OH, that's so nice of you to bring candy for us clients!"
I told her, no, it was the driver's candy and I'd given it to him.
"You don't mind if I have a piece, do you?"
Yes, I do. It's for the driver. He has to work 14 hour days.
Oh, come on. At least 5 minutes of begging on her part (this is a woman in her late 40's at least, if not older). I told her, if you want candy, you can go to Walmart and buy it. Candy is cheap, there's no reason you can't afford it on your own. Especially living at "Plush Point" I thought. She began calling me names. Yes, I agreed with her, I am a terrible, horrible, mean person who won't change her mind.

She sulked all the way to our house. She wasn't slow but she had some mental issue going on. She made very odd, inappropriate jokes. She made one to me and I just stared at her. "You don't find it funny?" No, I said, I didn't. She looked at me. I looked at her. "I won't make anymore jokes to you then." (Was I supposed to be hurt, I wondered?) OK, I said, that's probably a good idea. She muttered something under her breath as she turned around.

I don't care what she thinks of me. What I think of a grown woman begging for candy like a toddler, name calling when she doesn't get it, when she's got enough money that she isn't working and living in a fancy apartment building isn't very flattering either. Besides, she doesn't know what disabilities I have. You shouldn't be name calling and making rude comments to people you don't know, especially ones you know are disabled in some way. She kept trying to interrupt our (Ron and myself) conversation, too. Ron had to tell her to butt out.

I mean, I'm dying to repeat these experiences. If I did have any other way to get around I would. Agh.

However, yesterday I bough some proscuitto. I think I spelled it right. I love the stuff. It's low carb and so delicious and flavorful. I bought a third of a pound. I'm a little sad now that I only bought a third of a pound. I've eaten most of it already. I went to Randalls and got some interesting frozen veggies (low-carb of course). I like the sugar snap pea/water chestnut/yellow wax string bean combo. I just de-mushroom it before I heat it up. I might start saving them for some broth, maybe but I just cleaned out the freezer. Anyways, delicious veggies. I got some True Lemon and True Lime powder too. It's a very good and cheap way to make my own flavored waters.

I'm eating all the right things, taking my supplements. Ron and I hung my turquoise lace curtains today (what a circus!). Thank God I love turquoise, I don't want to change them around anytime soon. I had to rearrange all my furniture but I came up with a better floor plan for my living room area (it's only about 90 square feet). I have a turquoise chair, black loveseat (the white cat loves to sleep on it), my rocking chair, side table, and storage bench ottoman. It looks great and doesn't feel crowded.

In the midst of all this, 4 teenagers came up the driveway to the house (remember, we don't own a car so it never looks like we are home. I opened the door. "Sorry, I don't want any." The teens stammered a bit and asked to use my phone. Odd. Didn't one of them have a cell? I said OK. I shut the door and got Ron. He took the cordless out to them. He introduced himself and said he'd dial the number. They gave him a bad number. Ron offered the phone and one teen made a brief call, then hung up. They gave the phone back and left. It was about 3 in the afternoon.

I have been told that sometimes kids who rob houses will come by and ring the doorbell first. Maybe that was the case. Why so many kids together? I must have counted 4-5. We didn't let them in the house but both of us found the experience odd and disturbing. I trust Ron's instincts completely and he said they were up to no good.

I'm glad we've proven unpredictable. Any thief would die of boredom in my house anyway. This computer cost me $100 at a pawn shop and I doubt they could get the exercise bike (purchased used, at that) out the door. We have no electronics - I say all my treasures are in heaven.

All in all, it's been an ODD day. Huh. The wind's picking up. Ron was ranting about false alarm weathermen earlier. It's payback time. I hope the plant babies are OK.

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