Sunday, March 16, 2008

This is a symptom

Last night I had a mini-meltdown while mowing the grass. I just started sobbing over nothing while Ron was out there doing something to the mower. UGH. Sometimes I hate this disease. I had to remind myself, I am not a weak person. I have an illness. This is a symptom. You can be certain I took my extra Lithium last night.

It got even more exciting when Ron rolled the mower through the house while putting it away. I had lovely grass tracks all over my tile floor. Agh. He was helping, though, so I didn't yell at him. I just asked him to please never do that again. Nicely, even.

When I woke up, he told me he'd accidentally spilled bacon grease on the kitchen floor (he'd made us both bacon) and he "Couldn't get it all up". Thank God for my pills. I almost slipped a few times but I didn't have enough time to mop. I put my mop bucket over the worst of it so I couldn't slip again.

Now I had bacon grease and grass stains all over the tile. Time to go to work. Our ride was late and we rode around for a while, when we got to work we only had about a half hour to get everything done. It was quiet, all the machines were OK, so I helped stock some sodas. Race outside for my next ride, to Walmart and medication refills (all the pills). That ride was late, too.

Anyway, we got to Walmart and I had almost 2 hours to shop. I checked out the garden center and got some pepper transplants. I am having no joy with starting my own this year. I don't mind "cheating", so I got a few.

I had a very limited budget so I couldn't get the driver candy I wanted. But I did get some lovely carnations, only $4. I love carnations and I have resolved to buy myself a bunch every time I see some "good" ones. Why wait on someone else? I deserve something pretty to look at. I'm glad I got them. When they go to Jesus, I compost them, so they still stick around.

I found some good precooked chicken strips and some ham chunks. Add that together with some bacon, maybe a hard-boiled egg, and WHAM you've got a great salad! I had an excellent lunch. I got some more salad greens which was a good thing. The ones I had were starting to turn (compost pile again).

I saw some really cute knee-length shorts in the Misses department. It's nice to know that by the time it gets really hot, I'll be able to wear them comfortably. I can't wait to buy them.

I'm avoiding the whole dairy department. Many times, a dairy product has triggered a migraine. Yesterday, we got pizza and I just ate the topping. This morning, I woke with a headache, the variety I call "Next Time I'll Be A Migraine!" I don't need any migraines, ever, so I will stick to my calcium-magnesium-zinc supplement and avoid all dairy products.

I was pretty much done after all that so we waited and waited. Finally we got home. Time to sweep and mop. Thank God that's over. I was going to weed but I'm pretty tired. I may lie down for an hour or so and then tackle it.

Tomorrow we have to get up at 3AM to get our deliveries. Ick. Good news, we go straight home after work and it isn't a long day, just an early one.

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