Friday, May 10, 2024

This is why we have problems keeping good people

 So today the team leads were angry with the girl who quit and blaming her for basically walking out 

They asked another good employee to stay late today.  She did.  Her adult daughter was supposed to pick her up at 3.  It was almost 4.  The employee said she was leaving and the team lead and her got into a shouting match - in front of a customer no less - and this is the "nice" team lead.

If you treat your people like that they will leave you.


Anonymous said...

We're about to have a mutiny at my party time job at McD. We're on the 3rd manager in 3 years, no one likes him. We've lost all the good people and he's just fired the hardest worker and now he wants us to work harder because he's short handed.

Heather Knits said...


Ron used to say "The fish stinks from the head down".

Anonymous said...

It's that way everywhere. I finally left my toxic job after 28 years and it was all the same stuff. Those of us who showed up and worked and did what we were supposed to just got more dumped on us. The lazy ones who would sneak out and smoke or be on their phones or whatever would just get ignored or praised one or the other. Never told to get back to work