Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Son of a bitch

 Yesterday I ate a cold salad and 2 hardboiled eggs from the deli.  Today I have clostridium perfringens.  It is a food borne illness marked by cramps and diarrhea.  

That was fun riding the bus to work with no bathroom break but I made it.  I got some Gatorade and some breakfast crackers that should hold me.

My boss is finally happy with me, I couldn't call in today.  

As Ron used to say: ai yi yi.  


Anonymous said...

Why would you get eggs from the deli?

Heather Knits said...

I don't eat eggs as a rule.

Back in 2000 after we moved to Houston Ron wasn't working yet, he had to establish residency to join the blind vendor program. I was working. So, every morning, he would walk to the Krogers grocery store that had a hot deli/cafeteria. He would get me a hot breakfast with scrambled eggs, sausage, grits, and toast. He would bring it back to the apartment and I would take it to work and eat it before I started. So I have fond memories of getting eggs from a deli.

In 2004 (you had no idea what can of worms you opened! LOL) I ate a bad scrambled egg at IHOP the day we bought the house and I was sick for weeks, we couldn't move, I almost died. I don't know how Ron kept himself, and me, alive. After that I was "off" eggs for a very long time.

As Ron deteriorated I was desperate to get good quality protein in him and the Walmart deli always had these 6 packs of hard boiled, peeled, eggs. I am not blaming the egg by the way I think it was the chicken in my pasta salad. He ate a fair amount of those hard boiled eggs. I used to put salt in a solo plastic cup and then a couple of eggs, he would roll them around in the cup and eat them. One time he ate 6 eggs in an hour.

If the egg had been bad, salmonella, I would have been vomiting and I just had the diarrhea.

So, yesterday, I picked up the pasta salad (curse you!) and saw 2 packs of eggs next to it and thought "why not, extra protein".

But it doesn't further eggs in my esteem that the first time I eat them in months I am sick again.

I am moderately nauseous tonight.