Saturday, May 18, 2024

That was an interesting trip to work.

 I always leave the house 4 hours before my shift starts, because I've had "problems" getting to work; an old lady falls on the bus, some guy goes off on the driver and has to be thrown off, traffic accident causes delays, street lights are out, etc.  Sometimes the bus breaks down.  

We had severe weather Thursday night if you haven't seen it.  Everything looked OK getting home but I wasn't sure about getting to work yesterday.  

I had a couple of concerns; there are some mean dogs in my neighborhood (usually behind a fence).  Had any of those fences blown down and were the dogs out, and going to come after me?  

Was the traffic light out where I cross the street?  

Were the buses running the route and would they be delayed?  

Would we have route delays due to down traffic lights or debris?  

Walking to the bus stop I saw the Husky House fence was down, but I didn't see the dog praise God.  Hopefully they will fix that quickly.  

The traffic light was not out where I cross, but about half the lights were out on the way.  

The buses were running the route but had significant delays.  I was told downtown was a mess and they advised me to warn my parents to stay out.  

It normally takes me about 1 hour 45 minutes to get to work it took me 3 hours yesterday, I was glad I left early.  

I got to work and started.  My one boss was off yesterday so that was a little weight off.  Work was OK, it was busy.  

Mom and Dad texted me around 8 that they were in the store, I got off at 9.  I showed them around a little.  I encouraged them to get some drinks for the hotel room (Caffeine Free Diet Coke) and they did.  

We were going to go out to a restaurant but the whole area was without power, so we went to a McDonald's near my house instead and got something through the drive through.  

Dad is not a fan of cats so he sat on the porch.  Mom came in, said hi to Biscuit who approached her a few times and let her pet him.  He is getting much more cuddly with visitors.  

They left, I went to bed.  I slept about 4 hours and woke up.  

I could tell I wasn't going back to sleep.  I went in the kitchen and heard something alive in there.  I told it to "stay" and turned on the light, a Mockingbird was on the counter, flapped it's wings at me, and chirped.  

The cats brought it in through the cat door.  I chased it around for a while (cats were thrilled), caught it, and put it out (much to their disappointment).  It is always funny when I catch a bird in the house and take it out, there is that moment where it doesn't know it's outside and them suddenly it flies off!  Vaya con Dios little birdie!  

I am going to try to go back to bed.  


Anonymous said...

Your parents picked a really bad time to visit. Crazy they even made it here with that storm.

Heather Knits said...

They flew in the day after the storm; I told them to stay out of downtown. My area is relatively unaffected but a couple miles from me have major power outages. Basically about half the city (not my house, not my store) is in the dark.