Monday, May 20, 2024

I almost forgot

The night shift came in, heard I brought treats, and that the manager had chastised me for it and made me take them away.  "Heather" they said "Bring them back after you clock out.  They can't say anything if you're off the clock."  That sounded like a FINE idea to me and I did just that, and you should have seen the feeding frenzy as Team Leads and associates dove in and grabbed treats.  

I left, a long ride home.  The first bus seems to be delayed due to the weather crisis, which means I miss my second bus.  

I was also working on a migraine but I managed to get home OK.  

Now, Ron as a manager.  A few highlights.  We had a deli with two employees.  

One time a customer came to Ron and said "Your one employee wears clothes that are too tight, and a shirt that does not cover her belly.  When I get my lunch I walk in and get a look at her belly"  (She had 5 kids so you can imagine) "And I lose my appetite.  Can you make her cover it up?  It's disgusting."  

Ron got in the cash box, went in the deli, and had me cover for her.  They went out and sat down for a while.  I saw Ron talking earnestly and heard her laughing.  

He had to tell her she was too fat for the clothes she was wearing, that the sight of her made the customers lose their appetite, and had her laughing about it.  Then he gave her $100 and explained what kind of clothes he wanted her to buy.  The next day she showed up in appropriate attire and we never had an issue again.  

Another time we found out the other girl wasn't wearing the hairnet.  That's a big no no for food service.  He reached a compromise with her, that she would wear a blonde hair net instead.  Problem solved.  Had he pulled rank we would have lost her - she was ready to walk out over it.  

He was always telling us (I was also an employee) to sit down and get off our feet.  I often think of that at work.  He would say the work could wait for a minute but it was important to care for our feet.  

Today I had 2 high ranking managers shouting at me over nothing.  Both times my direct manager said I had done nothing wrong.  

I couldn't help but compare them to Ron.  When the girls found out about the accident, they wept for him.  


Heather Knits said...

I stand by what I did. I can't say why I thought it was important because The Pest might figure out where I work and try to start trouble again.

I can say Corporate has been all over us lately and I felt my team deserved it. My parents spent $12 and I spent $10.

So for the cost of a fancy coffee and a pastry I made my team feel appreciated.

Also all the treats were gone 5 minutes after I brought them back.

Anonymous said...

Your parents are ridiculous and part of the problem. They could have given you that $12 and with your $10 you would have had $22 for a ride to work, rather than taking the bus. Again you are NOT a store manager. You cannot afford to bring food for people to eat. Stop it.

Heather Knits said...

They understand I want to ride the bus whenever possible so I can do evangelism.

Anonymous said...

Then you should stop complaining about the homeless and mentally ill you encounter. Don't you realize they are your lost souls and the ones that may need your evangelism? But no you take the easy way and give it to bus drivers and usually the same ones every day who look forward to getting candy. Do you really think they need saving every trip?

Stop giving away candy to people who seem to have their lives together. Do real evangelism to the down-and-trodden that's what Jesus wants you to do, you aren't fooling him with what you're calling evangelism.

Heather Knits said...

If I had a car I might do that.

But there is a real safety issue involved. I do hand out candy to some of the homeless; I did yesterday to two very friendly alcoholics one whom tried to give me his phone number.

Don't forget I get off that bus and walk home; someone can follow me. I always check and take safety precautions but that's not 100%.

In 2012 I threw away some boxes the Bibles had shipped in, at a gas station in Acres Homes. A few days later my house was robbed and I have always been convinced those 2 things were linked.

I go as guided by the Holy Spirit.