Monday, May 27, 2024

I know a lot of people don't believe me about the bus

 Yes, it really is that bad.  This morning I got a photo of poop in a seat.  I will not put that online.  I don't think Blogger would let me, anyway.  

I may send it to customer service in an email though.  "This is why you can't get nice people to ride the bus!"

The mosquitoes were eating me alive at the bus stops.  I will need to apply some repellent tomorrow.

Since it is a holiday schedule I had different times and drivers and spent about an hour outside.  That wasn't bad but my longest ride the driver was new to the route and had a very jerky driving style that made me queasy.  

But I'm here.  I am wearing white sneakers and jeans, red t shirt and my blue vest.  I think it is cute I will try to rope someone into taking a photo.

I only work until 4 so hopefully I will get home before the drunk drivers emerge.  That's it for now!  

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