Saturday, May 25, 2024

A trip to the grocery store

 I slept about 7 hours last night.  

I got up and did my God Time, decided I wanted to get to the store quick because it was going to be nuts with the holiday.  (And it was)

The store is very good (unlike mine) at having nearly every, if not all, registers open when I'm there.  They did today as well and there were only 2-3 people in each line so I felt like I made the right call.  

I got some salad mix, candy and bags for handouts, etc.  I got some 50 cent chicken hot dogs and some cheap hot dog buns I will bring to work on Monday.  I think that will be fun.  Cost, about $5.  

I went out to the bus stop and there was a homeless woman there, wearing a trench coat (it was 90 degrees and very humid), filthy, matted hair hadn't been washed or brushed in a while, muttering nonsense completely out of her head.  She unfortunately witnessed me giving the bus driver a snack so she followed me on the bus, and got off when I did.  

The homeless woman sat down on the bench at my home base bus stop, muttering nonsense.  I decided to "play my music on headphones" which is a ploy I use if someone else gets off my bus at my home base.  If they stand around watching me, I know I have a problem.  Anyone who is not a threat is going to move on well in front of me while I'm fiddling.  

I got my music going and she was just sitting there.  I decided to hustle out of there, pushing my hand cart, and see if she followed me.  She didn't seem able to move very fast but was acting erratically enough I considered her a threat.  She did not follow me but I kept checking.  

I decided that is just going to be my standard policy from now on, to check behind me every block or so walking home.  I got pretty dizzy but I didn't want to slow down if she was behind me.  

I got home and sat down for about 10 minutes.  Then I put the groceries away and cleaned out the fridge, took a nap.  

I need to get smarter about cleaning out the fridge before I go shopping, but I've done it this way for 30 years.  

Then I took a nap.  I woke up with a mild headache (I often do if I take a nap, for some reason).  I took some aspirin and that did the trick.  

I hunted all over the house looking for the blood pressure cuff but I can't find it.  It's here, somewhere, I wouldn't have thrown it away.  I just don't know where I put it.  My Dad used to call it "a safe place".  

I did the laundry; well the wash part.  I will run the dryer in the early morning or late at night if I wake up.  

That's it for now!  

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