Wednesday, May 15, 2024

I had to work overtime yesterday

 But it got me good will with the bosses and co workers.  I volunteered.  

I was so tired I overslept and woke up at 4 instead of 3.  I had to catch the later bus but I'm still early.  

I am caffeinated and ate my favorite lemon pound cake slice.  My stomach is a little iffy.

Metro bus sent me a survey.  Is Metro clean?  Safe?  I gave them a hard fail.  If I have time tonight I will put up a link to the post where I got mugged at my home base bus stop back in 2009.  It was late December if you want to look it up.  

I also indicated I would be willing to talk to someone so I may get a phone call.  I will be happy to tell them how AWFUL it is sidestepping feces and gacked out homeless harassing me.  

Someone called in sick as well so this may be interesting today.  

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