Thursday, May 23, 2024

Blood pressure was a little high 140/80

 Doc is putting me on beta blockers: will help with the tremors, headache prevention, and blood pressure.  

Waiting to get my blood test.  Hungry.  


Anonymous said...

Is that really a valid blood pressure test? You have a migraine and of course your blood pressure is going to be higher than normal.

Anonymous said...

You really should think twice about going on beta blockers. They can be really bad for you and a one time slightly elevated blood pressure reading is not cause for alarm. I think getting vaxxed increased the severity of your migraines.

Heather Knits said...

I think she wants to take a more aggressive approach as both my parents had high blood pressure and my mother was dead of it at 58.

I had my last period in January and my headaches have skyrocketed since then. I have been told other female family members had this problem as they transitioned.

I am also, this time, pointing the finger at the red dye #40 found in my favorite sugar free fruit punch and my beloved "Iced tea with lemon" mix.

Heather Knits said...

I told her the headache was a 3/4 on a 1-10. So she knows.

Anonymous said...

"I think she wants to take a more aggressive approach as both my parents had high blood pressure and my mother was dead of it at 58." Your mother did not die because of high blood pressure - lets get real here. She basically drank herself to death. Did you see the death certificate with the cause of death? I really would try alternatives before taking medications but that's just me. Stop drinking crap that causes your migraines.

Heather Knits said...

Yes, when my half sister came out for my wedding she 1. Spent the whole rehearsal dinner talking about my mother's death and 2. Shoved the autopsy report and the death certificate in my luggage when I went on my honeymoon.

Her left ventricle, if I remember correctly, was greatly enlarged and her cause of death was heart attack due to high blood pressure. Interestingly enough alcohol was not mentioned as a cause of death even though her liver was a mess.

Ron had high blood pressure/high cholesterol heart attack as his primary cause of death with ethanolism as his secondary cause, probably because I was the only honest family member the ME had encountered in a while and I had been completely honest about his level of alcohol consumption.

Anonymous said...

Diet soda gives me nightmares. I imagine it could be part of your headache. Try using full sugar instead and cut out the aspartame?
You'll never know what's causing them unless you do an elimination diet and not for just a week.

Heather Knits said...

Ron took a few psychology classes and thought he was "the expert". He had me read some books "I'm OK you're OK" "Pairing" "The intimate enemy" and "Games people play". In "Games" where was a game "Why don't you? Yes, but" and this is going to sound like that game.

Last summer I did go off the aspartame and began drinking full sugar drinks, I gained about 30 pounds and felt terrible mood wise.

When I tried drinking just plain tea with some stevia I developed extreme stomach upset with vomiting in the shower every morning.

Maybe I need to make myself some kind of iced latte (I have a coffee maker I don't use) and try that in the morning?

Also the blood pressure is also a wakeup call for caffeine usage - or it should.

Anonymous said...

When you went off aspartame were you still getting headaches?

Heather Knits said...

Yes just as bad actually. It was very discouraging.