Thursday, May 2, 2024

Thursday morning

 I woke up with a pretty brutal headache.  We are having severe downpours, most North and East of Mr.  Repeat: as of 10 am my area and the store are not flooding.  I hear rain, though.

I took Ace to work, that is why I carry extra money in my wallet.  Glad I did.  He is taking me home later.

The cats are good.  Spotty kept going out so he's going to track up my floors.  I need to sweep and mop anyway.

It was amazing having an extra 2 hours in my morning.  I was able to do so much.  I did forget my watch though.  I took it off to shower and forgot to put it back on.  

It was very odd, leaving my evangelism bag at home.

That's it for now.

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