Tuesday, May 14, 2024

My phone did an update

 Suddenly I didn't have any memory left.  I looked and it had downloaded a bunch of garbage apps like games, Pinterest, some other things I deleted.  If you really need to update my security or operating system I am fine with that but don't put a bunch of spam on my hard drive and say I need to delete my photos.  

So I cleaned that all out and the next thing I see it's downloading again and (censored) Pinterest is on my phone again.  So I deleted it again.  I am very stubborn.  

Work was OK but we had a nasty line of storms when I got off at 4.  I called Ace who came super quick.  I laid down when I got home but couldn't sleep, never got ahold of my parents, went to bed, got about 7 hours of sleep.  

And it's time to go to work!  


Anonymous said...

Heather...will your phone take an SD card? You can't load apps on one, but it can easily be set up to store the data there. Can free up a LOT of room. Especially if you put your pics and music on the SD. If you don't know, so a search for does. Xxxx support an SD card. Hope this might help

Heather Knits said...

I'm not sure but I do know I got 3 Gigs back after I got rid of the trash apps. It's a Motorola G Play.