Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Sometimes I daydream about having a day off to stay in bed...

 I woke up today and still had the migraine.  Which had escalated.  

I managed to get myself in the shower but realized I was in no shape for work.  I called out.  

I have been - I don't think words can convey this - EXTREMELY reluctant to get any sort of medical care for myself for a very long time.  My experience with Ron has left me for a deep aversion to doctors.  Now some doctors were able to help him and in 2003 they saved his life, but I just DON'T want to go.  

I think that is why God is allowing this migraine to beat me down.  I don't have a choice, I can't live like this.  This is day 3 of the migraine.  

I spent the day curled up in a ball.  Around 3 I felt well enough to eat some plain Fritos (store brand) which have settled nicely.  

But I feel utterly terrible.  

This also works on the pride, too....

I would have rather been well and gone to work, even though I still wouldn't be home by now.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Western medicine will kill you.
So much info about the covid shots, the "sudden deaths" and the "turbo cancers" avoid at all costs.
There are alternative health providers focused on natural medicine, not big pharma.