Friday, May 31, 2024

Well that was a first

 One of my bus stops is at a location with no shelter, just a pole by the side of the road, a detention pond, and some fenced off warehouses.  I was at this stop when the severe weather hit.  

I had placed my cell phone on a ziplock and my wallet in another.  So they were OK.  Fitbit is still working.  The wind and rain were buffeting me as I donned my purple poncho, which only provided minimal protection.  

I was out in that for about 15 minutes until the bus came.  As I journeyed to work, my third bus ran into something and broke off his rear view mirror, which meant he had to file an accident report and take it out of service.  So I had to take a fourth bus!  Then walk across the Walmart parking lot.  

I am pretty well drenched but I'm here.  And I'll get off at 7.  

That's it for now!  

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