Sunday, May 12, 2024

Well I wasn't queasy when I woke up

 But it came back.  

TIRED of this.  

I did some cleaning and worked on the post mortem on my finances.  Dad is horrified I am using a computer that uses Windows 7 and wants to do something about it.  Well, pages load?  If he wants to get me something I will take it, though.  I'm not stupid but I will tell him it's my birthday present.  

I haven't finished the kitchen and bathroom, or done the floor, but I added up all my Walmart expenditure$ and they were a lot, I think that's the problem.  

The cats have been good.  

It was supposed to rain all day but we only got one shower, it will rain tomorrow on my way home from work, they say, and also on Thursday.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ever hear of Dave Ramsey?
Use the envelope system. Put cash in several envelopes or even just one envelope, cash you budget and can afford to spend for whatever.
When the envelope is empty, you can't keep spending.