Wednesday, May 8, 2024

More tales from the crazy train

 So I have gotten to know some of the homeless psych patients who ride the crazy train bus.  One of them came into the store yesterday wearing nothing but a hospital gown, open in the back.  

Side note, when I sent Ron to the hospital wearing knit shorts and sandals, no shirt, they sent him home wearing a scrub top.  If you don't have clothes the hospital will at least give you scrubs when they discharge you.  

If, however, you go against medical advice you're going to be wearing a hospital gown.  So she walked up to one of my (female, black, about my age) customers demanding this lady buy her some clothes.  The woman's like, I don't think so... the psych patient was very insistent, then wandered off, said she would pick out some things and come back.  

I reassured my customer I would "take care of this" (people don't go to Walmart to get hassled) got ahold of someone with a radio, reported it, they escorted her off the property.  

I can't say much but I can say she for certain passed up a place that would have given her free clothes, between the hospital and the store.  This is a relatively young white woman who could have a good life if she took her medication, husband, job, kids.  A safe place to live.  But apparently she doesn't want that.  

So now I have to wonder if she's going to figure out I'm the one, had her booted, the next time she gets on my bus.  

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