Monday, May 20, 2024

So I brought snacks

 For my team.  They were very popular.  I can't say why but I thought it would be a good idea.  

The store manager did not.  They have been shouting a lot at subordinates so I have avoided them.  They came by my work area and saw the snacks.  I offered them a snack!  

And they got on the radio after they left, shouting at my manager I had to get rid of the snacks.  It was 2 brown paper bags with pastry and an assortment of (other) store brand chips, a few honey buns, and a banana for the healthy eater who is off today.  

The Muslim lady was not interested in the marranillo pig shaped pastry.  I didn't think about that, but she did take a conchas.  I had a marranillo on my break and it was delicious and very fresh.  I felt good about handing them out.  

Mom and Dad bought my groceries which included the chips, I bought the pastries which were only $10.  And I won't do that for a long time.  

Work itself hasn't been bad.  I feel a need, though, to do a blog on Ron as a manager.  He was a terrible husband at times but an excellent manager.  Usually.  I'm going to focus on him managing others not me.  

That's it for now!  

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