Friday, May 3, 2024

There has been a huge uptick

 In the amount of mentally ill homeless roaming the streets with their hoards of stuff.  Some have gone as far as stealing hospital wheelchairs and using them as "wagons" for their stuff, and I am seeing a lot of them on my routes.  It is challenging to my faith as they are rude, dirty, don't pay, block the aisle, etc.  

I need to work on my response to that, it is all internal but does not bring glory to God.  

On the positive side I will talk about work for a minute.  Last night I wanted to buy the "plain" crystal litter at work and they didn't have it.  I decided to try  I have a free "plus" membership as part of my employment and I decided to use it on myself.  Normally I use it to send stuff to Mom and Dad.  

They had what I wanted online, 8 pounds for $12 with my discount and it has already been delivered.  Impressive!  Way to go.

I don't think corporate will mind me sharing that.  

It is very busy at work the night should go quickly.  

That's it for now.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, aren't you lucky to have a paid-off house and to be medicated? Oh yes, you could have been one of them. You think you're better than them but you don't know how they got there. Did you ever consider the drugs and alcohol came after they lost everything?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like God wants you to help all these mentally ill homeless people.

Heather Knits said...

Frankly, no. Most stories I hear of mental illness it manifests in the teens, they start self medicating with drugs and alcohol, family has enough of the stealing and broken promises, throws them out.

Confronted with mental illness - I had a very interesting talk with a man named John. He said "They told me I was bipolar but I'm not taking those pills. I'm fine" there he was drunk and begging at a bus stop in urine soaked clothes. I had been told by another homeless man no one would share their quarters with him - not even his daughter - because he had a habit of urinating and defecating everywhere.

The only difference between us I never drank to excess and I chose to stop drinking altogether - SOUGHT a mental health diagnosis, accepted it, and take the medication as directed.

That doesn't make me better than anyone it just means John made some decisions and I made other ones. God knows where he is I am an employed homeowner.

To the second comment unmedicated mentally ill are inherently unsafe as I have found on a few occasions (which you have all read). So I will leave that to the experts. If they ask for candy I give it to them that's about it.

Anonymous said...

In my daughters case, the drugs were WHY she lost everything.

Heather Knits said...

Exactly, I've read a lot of stories on addiction and mental illness and it always goes illness + drugs + criminal activity + homeless.

In some cases experimental drug use triggers mental illness.

Anonymous said...

Some of these comments have me shaking my head. I think you do well and are taking as good a care of yourself as you can. At least you're a productive member of society which a lot of people can't say that they are.

Heather Knits said...

I think some are just bitter and envious. I got a lot of hate for my marriage, but I am glad I stayed. It wasn't easy but I have peace about what I did and that it honored God.

The angry comments about my paid off house. Don't forget Ron paid for this house with a literal arm, leg, and his own blood, a month in a coma, 18 years in a wheelchair, 2 years in a diaper. Not many would do that.