Thursday, May 30, 2024

I really hope I don't catch it

There was a very flushed, sick looking, white man on my last bus.  He said he had a headache, but I have never gotten flushed when I have a headache.  If anything, I get pale.  I hope I do not catch it, whatever it is.

But I'm here now.  

I had a very mild headache this morning.  I get one whenever I eat the puffed wheat cereal I like so much.  I took my blood pressure pill just now because I won't be home until later tonight.

I forgot why I wanted to make a sandwich today so I don't know what I'm doing for lunch.  I'll figure it out.

The cats were adorable today.  I got beautiful snuggles from each of them.  I don't always get that every day.  I never pick them up I don't believe in forcing my will on a cat unless they are sick or hurt and need a vet or medication.  But they got on me for petting, purrs, and cuddles which was lovely.

They get on so well and that delights me too.  Baby Girl and Torbie never got along and I always blamed Ron for that.  Baby Girl walked in the room, Ron had Torbie in his lap petting her and giving her treats.  Baby Girl objected and who could blame her?  

Biscuit basically invited Cleo and Spotty to live with him and that has worked beautifully.

My migraine prevention herbs came last night.  My blood pressure pill is working so well I don't need them.  I have a young woman coworker who gets migraines I am going to give her a bottle and see if they work.  

I didn't know how bad the headaches were until they stopped.  I love this stuff (propranolol) and no real side effects.  

That's it for now.  

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