Thursday, May 23, 2024

Ride with me here, if you will

 I have a condition which I think I manage pretty well.  I don't drink, drug, party, I go to bed early every night and take naps and sleep in when I can.  I get enough protein and watch my caffeine.  

When Ron was sick, with his parents, I see this with my parents, aunt and uncle as well, there's this revolving door of medical appointments, prescriptions, tests, etc.  That is fine for them because they either could afford the time off or they didn't work.  

I work; that's an issue.  I feel like my doctor wants to get me on this merry go round.  "Come back in 2 weeks".  "I need at least 3"  "No it has to be 2".  

Sigh.  I need at least 3 weeks to put in a time off request so they can arrange coverage.  If not, I have to call out/in whatever you want to say and then I get a point on my attendance.  

I don't like some of the comments I get but one had a point.  So I went to the internet looking for herbal supplements.  I have gone through phases of bad migraines for a while in the past, probably in part due to variable hormone levels as I approach menopause.  In the past, Butterbur and Feverfew (taken separately) have been helpful in PREVENTING headaches, taken daily.  

I looked at Amazon, I looked at Walmart.  I have plans with both of them; my Walmart plan is free and I do use it (Walmart plus the value is about $120 a year, it works for me and best for them it gets me yakking to the customers how great it is).  They had it, for $10 a bottle.  

That's a little steep.  

So I went direct to Swanson.  They had it for $3-4 a bottle and I know they make good stuff; they are GMP certified and all that.  

My Dad has been saying I have to buy a new computer because Windows 7 is "too old' and that was proven at the checkout when it found me clicking again and again and getting a blank screen.  I took it to God I was pretty upset and was reminded I DO have a cell phone.  So I used the phone to order the herbs.  I got 4 day shipping too.  I figure the beta blockers + the herbs ought to whack the headaches at least until I am in full menopause, in half a year or so.  

I hope it does the job.  Like I told the Medical Assistant and the doctor, these headaches have been escalating this year.  I need to work.  


Anonymous said...

Of COURSE they want you to keep coming to them, how do you think they make their boat payments or get mansions. I truly believe they're in medicine because it's a lucrative career and not because they want to save humanity.

Heather Knits said...

Well my psychiatrist rocks. He told me he already made his money he just keeps the practice to stay busy; he caters NICE meals for his staff EVERY day, charges a very low cash rate for patients.

I am hoping I can get him to write my scripts for the blood pressure meds once I find they work.