Sunday, May 19, 2024

Dad wanted to ride the crazy train

 I tried to talk him out of it but that's where I get my stubborn.  He wanted an "authentic ride to work" experience.  

  • Bus was an hour late
  • 2 guys talking conspiracy theories at the bus stop
  • Skinhead at bus stop and on bus
  • Guy smoking something that wasn't tobacco and didn't smell like weed.  
  • Mentally ill woman bothering us at bus stop and all the way to Walmart
  • Fight on the bus within 30 seconds of it opening the door.  
I sat Dad by a window and sat in the aisle seat, and I had my hand on my knife in my pocket.  

  • Homeless people on bus with a huge, unleashed, German shepherd.  (We went out the back door)
  • Bus packed  
He asked if it was a pretty typical ride and I said yes.  


Anonymous said...

LOL at least he got the full experience - though it seemed even crazier than most of your regular days.

Heather Knits said...

Well I don't always share ALL of it just the highlights.