Thursday, May 9, 2024

The crazy train was pretty crowded

 Smart women riding that bus sit in the forward facing seats (2 seats wide on either side of the aisle) and put their bag in the other seat.  So did an older lady sitting across the way from me.

A young man got on.  He was healthy and clearly manic.  As is my policy I did not move my bag.  The last time I did that - for a clean cut and otherwise normal looking white guy - he began baby talking and put his hand (quite intentionally) on my thigh.  So I don't move that bag for anyone unless they are elderly/clearly disabled.  

So this guy was neither.  He came back to us and started harassing us demanding we "make a seat". I stared out the window and the old black lady told him to shut up.  

At the next stop an extremely obese, filthy, stinky, white guy got on and stood next to my seat like he expected me to move my bag.  I did not, he would have taken up both seats and would have been rubbing all over me.  And if you can't be bothered to wash your hair and body (got on at apartment complex), I can't be bothered to move my bag.  Yuck.  He got off at the store so he wasn't even going that far.  I hope he doesn't try on clothes.  

I am still fairly nauseous, the ride to work didn't help, but I have my ride home lined up.  

That's it for now.  

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