Saturday, May 25, 2024

I found this vastly embarrassing

 I have had a lot to say about people who don't pay to ride the bus, mainly because many of them are wearing the designer jeans and shoes (the men) carrying a $1000 cell phone, the women have the $300 hair and the $100 nails - but no one cares to budget a dollar to pay for their ride.  I have a lot of disdain for someone like that.  

So you can imagine my horror yesterday about 10:30 when the bus pulled up at my home base bus stop, I reached for my pass, and it was not around my neck.  I had the candy in my hand so I gave it to the driver and I said "I can't ride, I left my pass at home" (I knew immediately it was on the kitchen table) "I will have to go back for it".  

She laughed and told me to get on.  Really NOT wanting to walk a half an hour home and back, I complied.  I had to tell each of my 3 drivers I was sorry, I didn't have the pass, but I did remember their candy.  They all laughed and waved me onboard.  

It was humiliating, but the drivers found it hysterical.  

I'm glad I could make them laugh!  


Anonymous said...

Most $1000 cell phones come free with a phone plan. People shop at thrift stores, etc for these so called designer clothes you speak of. You have no idea what a persons issues and problems are. Same with you because you could live fairly comfortably even with your low pay and low hours because you have no house or car payment yet you are always in financial trouble because you refuse to budget.

Heather Knits said...

I see women get on the bus ALL the time carrying bags from the designer store at the mall stuffed full of new clothes, so I don't believe that.

And an example about those thrift stores; I went to one last weekend with Mom and Dad and found a pair of lavender jeans that fit very well. I did not look at the price as Mom said she would buy them for me after she saw me in them (she bought everything I got which was 2 pair jeans, 2 tops, and a pair of parachute pants in a light and silky fabric). I tried it all on, it fit great, we got home and I realized, to my horror, the lavender jeans were $23 AT A THRIFT SHOP! Because they were a designer brand. Even the Time and Tru (Walmart brand) t shirt was $5 almost what you pay new.

Mom got a new Iphone last year and the cell company put $50 a month on their bill until it is paid off; it's not "free".

I am logging and budgeting now. It is interesting how much of pay pay goes to "gifts".

Anonymous said...

"It is interesting how much of pay goes to "gifts" your choice to continue giving "gifts" to people instead of focusing on your own bills and creating a 6 month to 1 year emergency fund. But you have been told that ALL along and continue to do what you want to do and then complain about the consequences of this.

Heather Knits said...

I need to do a blog on why I tolerate your crap instead of deleting it. (thoughtful)

Pretty sure you are the one who tried to wreck my life with that report to APS, which didn't work. They knew you were a nutcase and told me as much.