Friday, May 10, 2024

Graphic post warning

 OK I told you.  

So work was utterly nuts, not helped by the fact a good worker is leaving because she felt "disrespected" by the Team Lead.  

The way I see it the TL is kind of like a personal trainer, getting me to do impossible things I never dreamed I could do.  I approach it from that angle.  And, surprisingly, this week she has been very appreciative.  I am finally giving her what she wants, she seems happy, it takes a load off of her.  I like to be the invaluable right hand "I know Heather's got my back".  

But work was crazy, shoplifting customers, kids run wild tearing up displays, a frantic pace all night.  I was happy to get out of there BUT the boss was very pleased with me when I left.  Good.  I want to be the reliable right hand "I know Heather's going to get it done".  I think I shine more in an assistant role than a lead role, I did for Ron.  

So I got home, I'm tired, I need to take my pills.  I was not hungry.  I decided to have some generic brand pop tarts.  I ate the brown sugar ones (It's a variety pack), took my pills.  

I felt a gurgling in my belly and thought I had better run down the hall.  I didn't make it.  It was spectacularly awful.  All down the hall, the bathroom, me, it was so bad the cats came out of the bedroom to look, took one look, and went back in the bedroom.  It took me forever to clean up.  

Apparently, I am not over the food poisoning.  That was just a horrible end to a hard day let me tell you.  I left the house at 7:45, didn't get home until 9, didn't go to bed until 10.  

I also got some bad financial news I am going to be working on my budget today.  I didn't sleep well, I had nightmares about the money problems.  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

At least you didn't have your accident at work or on the bus. That would have been far worse.

"I also got some bad financial news I am going to be working on my budget today." I thought your dad was helping you with that.

Heather Knits said...

I was praising God it happened at home let me tell you...

I got hit with an unexpected $700 bill, and homeowner's insurance is due next month, I don't use escrow.

Still very queasy from the food poisoning all I packed for lunch - if I'm even hungry - are some breakfast biscuits. The Belvita cracker kind, except store brand.

Anonymous said...

That shouldn't be an unexpected don't you always have that bill you have to plan for?

You are always queasy over something.

Heather Knits said...

This was a surprise. Lithium is brutal and causes extreme nausea; but I have an extreme illness that requires an old school solution.

Have you ever heard the ads for the new bipolar meds? No thanks.