Monday, February 22, 2021

Monday morning

 Let's hear it for another good night of sleep.  

I took today off because the store stocks tonight.  Why go to an empty store?  

It will also give people time to do their banking business today.  I imagine they are looking at a lot of withdrawals.  

I have been very disappointed in Cruz, I am not sure if I discussed him here.  Short version: storm hits, no power, etc. he and his family leave the country to go loaf on a beach in Mexico.  His ticket had him gone for a week, but there was such an uproar at his exit he came back the next day.  Now he is trying to say he had only planned to be gone for one day but the ticket said a week.  I believe he planned to come back after a week.  

So he is in damage control mode.  There are a couple of schools of thought.  Mine: how could he ditch his people when they needed him?  True he works on the federal level but he could have handed out care packages or something, let people know "I'm in it with you".  He could have also stayed at a local hotel, as MANY did, had amenities, and been accessible.  

Second school of thought which I have seen online from those not in the disaster area: Way to go buddy!  I wish I was on a beach right now!  

Third school of thought, from those not in Texas: Well, it wasn't that big a deal there is nothing he could have done anyway. 

Fourth: Well that democrat 60 years ago did something worse.  HUH?! 

But AOC, not even a Texas legislator, flew down from NY to help out.  She gets it; in a disaster, we went to see our elected officials on the front line.  Now I think the green new deal is a horrible idea, and I am a conservative, so I don't agree with her politics but I applaud her actions as a human being.  

We are meant to help each other out in hard times.  

I also scheduled Ron's doctor appointment we had planned to do it last week but disaster and all... 

At least the new doctor has a name we can pronounce.  I will start getting Ron ready tomorrow after I come home from my errands.  

And I remembered to call the water company.  They did everything right this time; they had backup generators tested and ready to go.  They had people on site to manage things.  They kept the water pressure at acceptable levels.  They kept the water potable.  So I called in a compliment and they were thrilled.  It was apparent they had all been working very hard to make things better for me, the homeowner.  I value that.  

Dale Carnagie's book was pivotal in my life and one thing he said again and again make sure people know you appreciate them.  They are probably feeling very stressed right now everyone has a broken pipe etc. blaming the district for private property problems.  

One interesting thing in all this, everyone is calling them "Busted" pipes, not burst or leaking or any other term.  "Busted". Interesting.  Seems a little slangy.  I think I always just referred to my drama as "broken" or "leaking" pipes.  

Even the water district used that term.  

So that's done, called them, made Ron's appointment.  

Tomorrow the plan is go to the bank, go to Walmart, go home.  Clean Ron up get him into fresh clothes.  Clearly I couldn't do a sponge bath when the house was 48 degrees!  So I need to do that.  Although I do have to say the Mitchum deodorant lasts very well.  So bathe him, trim his nails, and get him into a fresh shirt.  Then Wednesday put some pants and shoes on him, get him into wheelchair.  Take to Dr.  I bet they are busy this week.  

Ron has been going to this practice about 20 years.  So they have all his information.  That is good as he clearly has a very long medical history.  

I also need to get some bedrails for his bed or talk to the doctor about getting a hospital bed for him.   I am leaning towards the latter although he says he is very happy in this bed.  I guess I will just ask the doctor if it is better to get the rails or a hospital bed.   Medicare will pay for most of it.  

I want to do right by him. Whenever I talk to my Dad he always says I am doing everything right, so does Ron (unless I am trying to give him a bath, then I am "Nurse Ratchet" and "Monk the clean freak").  It is hard to know; I know I have deficiencies due to my FAS so I just want to keep him healthy and happy.  

Happily I did find the foot rests for his wheelchair so I will have those.  He hasn't been in his wheelchair much so he will need something to help hold his feet up. I also need to check the weather and figure out how I'm going to dress him.  He tends to run cold so I am thinking sweatpants and fleece jacket (I got it for him on Prime day).  

We will see.  It is going to be a busy week.  

That's it for now. 

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