Saturday, February 13, 2021

Friday and some of Saturday

 1.  Yes I DID get the Valentine's day card, THANK YOU.  👍

OK that said yesterday was busy.  I went to Sam's.  If I gave up my "personal" cash I had $300 to spend after paying Jack (he seems very happy with what I give him, about what a Uber would cost for most rides).  I spent it all down to the penny.  

I figured, accurately I believe, that I will have captive customers this weekend.  Who wants to go out in 10 degrees with a windchill to buy a candy bar when I have one right there?  So I got everything but the honey buns (not enough money).  

We went to work, unloaded, he left.  I stocked and stocked and boy did I stock it all.  The tea with lemonade was so popular I had 3 people trying to buy it as I stocked.  That's popular.  I did snacks as well, had to trouble shoot the canned soda vendors but I got them OK.  Not ashamed to say I prayed for help as I did it.  

But my hands were pretty good (no tremors) so I could disassemble the units and put them back.  

So I did all that.  Ron called he wanted to talk but all the seats were taken.  I had to go outside to talk to him.  It felt like the 20's.  I had my good coat (thank God for Lands End and their 65% off sale a couple years ago), a wool hat, gloves, etc. so I was fine.  He said he wanted an Arby's Brisket sandwich so I said I would make that happen.  

I also told him I didn't mind getting him one because I could get myself a beef and cheddar, and a vanilla shake!  Yes, in that weather I wanted a shake!  

So Jack came and we went to the Post Office.  A long line BUT I got all my mail.  

I had been worried about the electric bill.  Long story short I can only pay at Walmart in person with a fresh bill.  And I was worried about getting a fresh bill.  But I did and even better only $80.  

Then we went to Arby's that was pretty quick and then home.  I had to do some home care before I ate.  😛  Did that, took a while, so glad I have adequate supplies.  I found some big bath wipes under Ron's bed when I cleaned it out and they work pretty well.  I may get more.  

Once I finished that I gave Ron his food, and ate mine.  It was very good.  

Ron was cold.  He wanted the thermostat at 90.  He was under a big blanket.  I told him let's get the space heater going and he is very happy with that in his room.  I also explained his anemia because he is colder than a "normal" person.  

I did what I could for winter proofing the house as it will get exceptionally cold for Houston.  I put my wool blanket on my own bed and was very toasty.  I also have the sleeping bags from last year so we can each get one in addition to what we already have.  We should be fine.  

I plan to turn off the water and drain the pipes on the worst nights because I just don't have that kind of insulation.  I will have some water in 5 gallon buckets should the need arise but I think that will work pretty well.  

I cleaned out the litter boxes, will do that daily as I doubt they will go out, and topped off with fresh litter.  The cats are set.  If we lose power I may need to put some water bowls down for them.  The current bowl runs on electric.  

Other than that we are pretty set.  I don't plan to go back to work until this is all over.  I took out a small amount in case we have expenses but I doubt we will.  I just did a grocery run so we should be fine.  

I also asked my brother for our sister's cell phone number so I can call her later.  If she wants!  

That's it for now.  

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