Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Another strange night

 I was just utterly exhausted yesterday.  I went to bed very early, around 6-7 and woke up again at 9.  I couldn't go back to sleep for hours, it was very frustrating.  I finally dropped off, woke up exhausted, and took care of Ron, back to bed for a little bit and woke up again.  Frustrating and tiring.  

I have concluded Biscuit is going to keep getting up on my keyboard and it is better not to replace it.   He will just break the new one, too. I can always go back and edit spacebars into my post.  

Ray Bradbury once said it was better to let it all out at once and then go back and edit, anyway.  That's good enough for me.  It is too bad they don't have a definitive collection of his works that would be great.  

Anyway I did my phone appointment with the doctor and he is writing a script for some migraine medication. 

I just feel like whining.   I also found out I will have to take Ron into the doctor to get his refill for the blood pressure medication.  That is discouraging.  I will have to talk to him about it later.  

I am hoping I can get a nap today.  

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