Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Well, it seems to be going well with the doctor

I just told Ron he has to be clear and tell THEM what he wants.


  • Described seizure to Doc, that is all the talking I did.  
  • I am in another room but I can hear him if he needs me.  
  • Doc is accessing medical records.  
  • Ron is saying "OK" a lot.  
  • Ron was clear on alcohol use.  
  • Ron was clear in saying he doesn't want pills.  
That's it for now.  

Ron already made trips for tomorrow so going well.  

I am very happy with Ron today he is being responsible and having his own voice in all this the LAST thing I want to do is control everything, I will guide if need be but that is it.  

Apparently he didn't have a real seizure because I'm the only one who saw it.  At least that seems to be the perspective.  I guess you have to have a seizure in the ER in front of everyone for it to count.  But Doc did say Ron needs an EEG I feel REALLY good about this guy handling him; Ron respects him and he is competent. 

They want him to come in tomorrow for an EEG so we will do that.  


Anonymous said...

What about the scans he had in the ER

Anonymous said...

Sounds great! I'm glad he will be seen. You did the right thing letting Ron develop a relationship with the doctor.

Heather Knits said...

Doc was able to pull those up but he wants an EEG, which is pretty standard I believe. Ron likes THIS guy so as far as I'm concerned he can run point. I did my part now it is up to Ron to get the scan and then meet with his doctor. He did say he is drinking and did not want medication so I am clear.

Ron needs to be able to trust the doc and he does. Doc likes me as well so that works all around.

Anonymous said...

Glad it all went well

Heather Knits said...

About the thing we don't talk about the doctor was a lot more concerned about the seizure.

Anonymous said...

That thing needs to be talked about with the doctor also.

Heather Knits said...

He mentioned The Thing but that went out the window when he mentioned the seizure.

Tired healthcare provider said...

Congrats Heather I know you are happy to see him in someone’s care