Thursday, April 2, 2020

Wow Torbie looks so much better

Just in 24 hours, glad I took her in. 

They cleaned her wound and took off the dead tissue.  Shaved the fur around it.  Gave the 2 week antibiotic shot (love that so much as she will not do pills), gave me blue stuff to clean/disinfect and some silver cream to apply to the wound. 

They did her wound in the morning, I did it last night.  This morning it looks so much better, I did it again.  She only let me dress the wound made it clear I would not be giving pain meds.  I had to lure her out from under the bed with treats.  She ate them as I treated her. 

Glad I have treats! 

So she is looking much better and glad I spent all that money getting her fixed up.  And yes, the catio is on the list, first I have to get sales tax.  If we start getting the "vendor support checks" I can afford to do the chain link. 

Ron didn't sleep well last night woke me up raving about Burger King and asking for his takeout.  I think he was hungry and confused from a dream.  I will have to make a point of giving him the crackers so he has a snack if he wakes up hungry.  He has a little fridge (thank you Amazon Prime day) with a protein shake but he never touches it.  He slept pretty well this morning after I woke up. 

I burned a candle last night and I believe it gave me a migraine.  I had to get up and take Excedrin in the middle of the night.  Took some more when I got up.  Battling depression so I guess the caffeine will help with that. 

But it did cheer me up to see Torbie looking so well.  The other cats are good. 

Baby Girl showed up when I was luring Torbie with treats (she had run under the bed and I wasn't going to drag her out), so everyone got treats.  I will put more treats on my list, I have about a few pounds.  That should last a while. 

Ron likes to rain treats down on the cats as he sits in the kitchen, he is back to doing that again. 

We have to go to work and get the machine fixed but we will see how much that costs.  I have the last of the emergency money $300 so that should cover it.  I hope.  We can stock and sort some change so we can at least convert the quarters into dollars.  The bill changer is very reliable and does a great job with that. 

It is a gloomy day and I need to find Ron's sweatshirt. 


Anonymous said...

Will Ron wash his hands after touching the change ?

Heather Knits said...

I actually touch the change, wash my hands, and use sanitizer when done. He uses a cup to handle his end of the change sorting.

Anonymous said...

So he sorts change without touching it?

Anonymous said...

How can a blind man use a cup to handle change? Right now you should be the only one doing everything and he needs to wash his hands too regardless.

Heather Knits said...

He uses a plastic cup to catch it and put it in the appropriate container.

Heather Knits said...

We have a machine, at work, like a Coin Star sorts by type (quarter, nickel, etc).