Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Torbie is fine

They are cleaning it, shot of antibiotics and oral pain meds.  Vet seems very nice but didn't want to guess her age.  Torbie is immortal.

Paid them just waiting for them to finish so I can call Arturo.  Apparently I bring down the neighborhood sitting out front so they put me in the side yard.


In isolation said...

So happy to hear she is fine
Much love during this crazy time

Heather Knits said...

They liked her a lot and said she was great for them.

Good thing Cleo wasn't hurt... they would have said something much different!

Anonymous said...

What are you going to do about keeping Torbie and the other cats inside now? Seems like this was a warning from god that you should do this because next time one of them might get killed.

Heather Knits said...

I honestly haven't figured that out yet.

Anonymous said...

It's not that complicated. Lock up the catio and keep the front door closed. That would be the best solution.

Anonymous said...

You've done it before, I don't understand the problem you're having figuring it out. Why have you made this so complicated to keep the cats in?

Heather Knits said...

I am pretty sure we are going to have to chain-link the perimeter. Our handyman's work has gone way down the last couple years and I am not paying him $$ to come out and do another shoddy job.

I don't think I can call Bob the Handyman and have this done in half an hour, for $75. If I COULD, absolutely.

Anonymous said...



Heather Knits said...

She is probably on someone's leather sofa living the good life.

The house is a little small for all of them all the time, I think. Eventually I want to chain link the catio.

Anonymous said...

No she’s not. The house isn’t too small. They don’t need the catio.

Anonymous said...

Whatever helps you sleep at night about Mama cat. The reality is far worse I am sure. Anyone who was decent and found her would have scanned her for a chip and contacted you.

Anonymous said...

All you need to do is buy some chicken wire and secure the holes in the catio. It is not that difficult.

Anonymous said...

cue Charlie Brown's teacher. Give it a rest.

Anonymous said...

I had four cats for a while. They all piled into one compartment of a cat house all the time, squishing as necessary to get maximum cat per square inch.

Your house isn't too small for them. They will adapt to no catio and no going outside.